Chapter 28

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Dakota's POV

Today was the day I would learn whether I was having a son or a daughter. I had taken the whole day off. I sat in the chair next to Selena, who was over the moon that we were here together. When I told Lydia that I had wanted to be here, I didn't expect her to be supportive of it, due to her dislike for Selena. Dislike wasn't a strong enough word, but Lydia is such a sweet woman, it's hard to believe she hates someone.

"Will you be going to the Balore Fundraiser," Selena asked me curiously. I nodded, "Lydia and I got our invitation last month. Lydia wasn't thrilled." Selena scoffed, "Why isn't she thrilled? It's an honor to be invited." "She doesn't want me to buy her another dress," I said with a simple shrug. "But that's the best part," Selena said while moving her hair from her shoulder. "She doesn't want me spending money on her like that. Sees it as a waste since she only wears the dress once," I explained to her. "Something isn't right with her," Selena said, her voice cold. "Why," I asked. "Because she isn't a gold digger like you?"

A woman in the waiting room pressed her lips together, trying her best to not eavesdrop. "Were you cheating on me with her before we broke up," she asked me suddenly. I shook my head, "Although you didn't respect me, I did respect you. At least at the time before I found out you stole a large amount of money from me. What did you spend that money on?" She didn't reply and flipped through a magazine instead.

When we were called back for the sonogram I sat in the chair, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. Selena was on her phone, not caring. She never does. The nurse could tell, when she entered the room. "Are you ready," she asked Selena politely. Selena sighed, "I guess. We're only here because he wants to know, so can we hurry this along?"

I shot her a glare before I went to looking at the screen. When we were able to see, I could feel my heart slam repeatedly in my chest. After a moment the nurse smiled, "Its a girl." I wanted to jump out of my chair happily. I probably would've done it had it been a boy, but either way I was over the moon. I was gonna have a little girl.

"Happy Dakota," Selena asked with a roll of her eyes. "Lydia and I are gonna have a girl, and you're gonna have that fat check you want, so you should be too," I told her, the nurse shocked but silent. The papers have been signed and have been so binding that there would be no way Selena could change her mind. The result would be, she would still lose the child and the money she was wants. Greedy whore, I thought as I went out to my car.

I was on my way to my car when I noticed a paparazzi fly hiding by a car, camera pointed at me. Selena then grabbed my arm and spun me to face her. She went to kiss me, and it was last second to turn my head so her lips landed on my jaw line instead of my lips. I yanked my arm from her and wiped where she kissed in disgust, "Touch me like that, I'll file sexual harassment charges against you." I walked out to my car, pulling my phone from my pocket.

I got in the car and called Lydia. "Well," she asked excitedly when she answered. "Before I get to that, I need to warn you. Selena just tried pulling a stunt," I told her. Bad news first, then soften with the good news. "Oh no," She said. "What did she do?" "She tried kissing me in front of a paparazzi fly. She tried catching me off guard, and catch my lips, but I moved my head and her lips landed on my jaw," I told her. She was silent.

"Lydia," I said softly. "I am severely biting my tongue," Lydia said. "Who does she think she is?" She then took a deep breath and let it out. "And the gender?" I smiled softly, "It's a girl." "Aw. I'm so excited," She told me. I could still hear the layer of anger in her voice but I knew she was happy too. We talked for a couple more minutes before I headed on home.

I kept rubbing at the spot where Selena kissed me. It felt like acid. When I got home, I rushed inside and Dylan saw me. "You okay bro," he asked me concerned. "Selena tried kissing me," I said as I made my way to the stairs. Lydia was in the room hanging up to suits she picked up for me from the dry cleaners. I stepped into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes quickly. I felt so dirty and disgusting. I pushed the thoughts back as I turned the water on hot and got in. I scrubbed at my face, trying to make the feeling go away.

I felt the water get turned down before slim arms wrapped around my waist, perky breasts I have committed to memory, pressing into my naked back. "It's okay," she said soothingly. I didn't realize how hard I had been breathing until I focused on her easy breathing. I tried to mirror it. Fuck, I thought. It's been so long since I have been triggered. I turned in Lydia's arms and cupped her cheek before kissing her deeply. She was the only one who could claim my kiss. Claim me. She kissed me back just as fiercely, matching my passion with her own.

When we slowed down I pulled away and rested my forehead against her. She cupped my cheeks and wiped tears I didn't know that were falling, from my cheeks. "Its okay," she whispered to me. "I'm right here." I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in the crook of her neck. She ran a hand down my back, humming a melody softly until I calmed down.

She then turned off the water and handed me a towel. We dried off and she pulled me to the bed where Frost waited happily. We crawled under the covers and she held me to her, my head on her chest, my arms around her. Frost laid on her other side resting her chin on my arm. She gave my arm a gentle lick. I gave a soft sigh. This is my safe place, I told myself. Only one can touch me and it's the woman beneath me who loves me, demons and all.

"I'm sorry Lydia," I told her. "I saw the guy with his camera and I should've put it together quickly. She had been on her phone almost the entire appointment." She ran her fingers through my hair, "Its not your fault. She caught you off guard. She was probably hoping to use the happiness of learning the gender to make it seem like you were happy with her, and you two were kissing to celebrate." She kissed the top of my head.

"That's what I wanted to do with you when I got home," I whispered to her. "We can do that later. Get some rest," she told me. She began to hum again and I allowed the melody to take me away to oblivion.

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