Chapter 27

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Dakota's POV

When I came home it was early morning, but everyone was awake. Including Maggie, who usually slept till late afternoon on her days off. Dylan was on his laptop in the living room, shooting a strange look at Maggie every now and then. Maggie looked at me with a soft smile, "Selena and Lydia are alone in your office. So far we haven't really heard any screaming, but I don't know if the silence is a good thing." Oh no, I thought. I left my bags in the foyer and went to my office. Lydia sat behind my desk, arms crossed, leg bouncing. She was glaring at Selena, who mirrored the same expression. "What brings you here Selena," I asked her.

She turned her look to me, "She refuses to let me see the nursery." Lydia rolled her eyes, "That is not why you're here. You're here because you were trying to pay me with the money you stole from Dakota to leave him and convince him that you're better for him." Selena scoffed, "You lying bitch, no I wasn't." Lydia slapped the space bar on the keyboard. A recording began to play, proving Lydia was right. Selena stood, "You're such a whore!" Lydia stood as well, "Have you looked in the fucking mirror lately? You're a pathetic excuse of a woman who has done nothing but get on her knees anytime someone flashes their cash. I'm surprised you haven't started your own damn escort service by now." Selena turned to me, "Are you seriously going to just stand there as she talks to me like this?" Before I could even reply, Lydia snapped again. "Quit coming to him for everything! What more can you possibly take? You have his money, you get his time everyday when he calls to see how you're doing and if there is anything new with the baby. By god, I'm to the point, even if it's not his, I will gladly accept that child so they don't become into a vile and toxic person like you!"

Selena looked at Lydia with her jaw dropped, "Me? Vile and toxic?" "You go about using people for their money, not giving a shit that they have busted their ass to work for it," Lydia told her. "That is one of the most toxic traits a person can have. You take and take, yet you never give anything worth value. And sorry, your stuck up opinions, don't count as value. More like garbage forced on us that we have to dispose of." "I think it's time you leave Selena," I said, finally having the chance to cut in.

Selena snatched up her purse and left. I softly closed the doors of my office and watched as Lydia paced back and forth, still venting. "Lydia," I said calmly, catching her attention. She froze and her eyes widened when she realized how much trouble she was in. I pointed to the floor in front of me, and she came over and kneeled, head down, "What rule did you break?" "The use of vulgar language," she replied strongly. "This seems to be a common occurrence with you," I told her. "I think it's time I up your punishment."

The last couple of times I've had her write lines and I've taken away sweets. I eyed the corner of my office. "I want you to kneel in the corner, you can get up when I let you," I told her while pointing to the corner I wanted her to kneel in. She grumbled as she got up and walked to the corner, "Stupid Selena barging in and making me loose my temper and getting me in trouble." She kneeled in the corner with a huff. I shook my head and left the office to put my things in my room.

"Everything okay," Dylan asked as I entered the living room. I sighed, "Selena was trying to get Lydia to leave me." Maggie scoffed, and shook her head. I ignored her though as I walked to my bags. "Who even let Selena in," I asked when I picked them up. "Lydia did when Selena told her they needed to talk," Dylan answered. "Did Lydia get herself in trouble when fighting with Selena?" He had smirked when he asked, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yes she did," I answered. "That's bullshit," Maggie told me. "She had to deal with Selena of all people. You should be praising her for not killing the woman." "I don't tolerate vulgar language, and Lydia knows that. There are other ways to express how you feel without using it," I told her. "You know, it's been proven that people who cuss are more intelligent than those that don't," Maggie told me. "And Lydia is extremely intelligent, so it's understandable." "Then what's your excuse, trying to look like you're smart," Dylan asked her.

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