Chapter 21

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I stood in the mirror, wearing a stone gray pencil skirt, a white long sleeve blouse, and my stiletto Loubitons. I had my hair down with a piece on the left side pulled back, being held by a clip. I had in all of my piercings today and I looked great. I just didn't feel so great. Leaving the house made me feel a little nervous but I had to do this. No more slacking off.

I left my room and went into Dakota's. He had his phone pressed between his ear and shoulder, trying to tie his tie, but failing since his attention was on the phone call. I smiled softly and tied his tie as he stared at me in what seemed to be awe. "We'll talk more tomorrow over lunch. Until then, try not to give our mother any reason to call me today, " Dakota said before hanging up. "You look beautiful, " He said with a smile. I felt my face warm, "Thank you, sir." I had to admit, calling him by his title made me feel good in a weird way. I didn't really know how to describe it. He put on his suit jacket and we left his room. We didn't have time for breakfast so we picked up something on the way to the office.

"How do you feel, " Dakota asked me as we pulled up to a stoplight. "Nervous, " I confessed to him. He used his thumb to wipe away a crumb from the corner of my mouth. I felt my face warm slightly. "Everything is going to be okay. If you need to leave early then tell me and I will take care of everything, " He told me. I shook my head, "No more hiding, no more running. You're facing my demons head-on for me, I'm not going to just sit on the sidelines as you do so."

He smiled softly as he looked back at the road when the light turned green. When we pulled up paparazzi were swarming outside. "What do they want now, " I asked with a sigh. "Who knows, " He grumbled while pulling into the parking garage.

When we got to our floor we saw his mother and Selena sitting in the waiting area. This definitely spelled trouble. "We need to talk in private," his mother said while standing, Selena following suit. "Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Lydia," Dakota told them. His mother seemed to not like that idea but it seems she accepted it. "Fine, the two of you," She said while gesturing to him and Selena, "Need to get married." Before Dakota could say anything, my mouth seemed to have a mind of it's own. "Excuse me?"

"My family can't have any of this baby mama mess, or whatever you call it," His mother sneered. "Look, maybe that's how you ended up in a shitty marriage, but Dakota isn't going to do something so idiotic," I told her. "He broke off the marriage because she is a thief and he doesn't love her."

"And you're a user," She countered. "You're using my son to become famous once more, and you're using his money." I couldn't help my laugh, "I don't want to use his money and I don't want the fame. I just want him. Maybe you can't see that because you have such a sick interpretation of what it means to be with someone, and that is okay, but don't try to push that way of thinking on to someone else." Dakota put a hand on my shoulder, ending my ranting. From it's firmness, I could tell I was in trouble for the slight slip up on the crude language, but how else was I able to describe her marriage? Crappy didn't seem to be a strong enough word.

"A marriage will not be happening. I'm with Lydia, and you can't change that, no matter how much you hate the thought of it. It is my life, and you have no say in it whatsoever," He declared to her firmly. He then gestured for them to leave, "Now if you don't excuse us, we have work to do." They left reluctantly, yelling their protests at us. Dakota gestured for me to go to his office since our assistant should be in any minute now. I was in for it now, I thought.

"Sit," He told me while gesturing to the couch. I did as I was told. "Do you know what you did wrong?" I nodded while keeping my eyes on the floor, "I cursed. I'm sorry Master." "Your punishment is that for the entire day, you cant have any sweets." Not the sweets, I thought. He tilted my head up to look at him, "One more crude word, and I take away all junk food for two days. Understood?" "Yes sir," I reply with a nod. He kissed my forehead, "Now go get ready for your meeting." I left his office and did as he said. Today was going to suck.

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