Chapter 17

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I woke up alone as the sun was going down. I felt so great. I looked over at his nightstand and saw a note with my name on it.

I'll most likely be gone by the time you wake up, and that does fill me with some regret, and I hope you don't hate me for it. If you do then I understand. I won't ever regret those moments with you. I see you fighting your demons, and I see you not letting them control you. I am so proud of you baby. What I hate is that this trip is taking me away from you during our one month anniversary. I know you probably don't want one, but I still got you a gift that I feel you will love.

         Always thinking of you, Dakota.

On the bottom of the note had different times he had set aside for me to Skype him everyday, no matter where he was or how late it would be for him. He truly thought of everything. I then decided to take a selfie of my pursing my lips for a kiss Always thinking of you too, I replied with the picture. I planned on swarming his phone with photos the entire time he was gone to let him know I was okay.

I then pulled myself out of bed feeling hungry. I looked at my attire and decided to go into my room first. I changed into a pair of gray and white patterned yoga pants, a white tank top, and I put on my very large LSU sweatshirt that went past my ass.

I tied my hair into a messy bun while on my way to the kitchen. Richie and Dylan sat at the island, eating Chinese take out. "You look well rested," Dylan pointed out. I grabbed the box that had my name on it and turned to Richie, my earlier argument with Dakota coming to the surface of my mind. "Next time you want to look into me, get my permission first, not Dakota's. I get you work for him, but my shit was private, the less who know the better I feel."

He nodded, "My apologies." I sighed, not really angry anymore, "It's fine." "So what are you triggers?" Dylan asked me seriously. I sat down at the island, "So I see you already looked into me. A major one is thunder storms. Another being around men who make me uncomfortable or men I don't know, as well as being under the influence of alcohol or drugs."

"When is the last time you saw Cody?" Richie asked me. I tensed up at the question. I know it was his job to know. "Almost every anniversary of when it happened. It's why it's taking me so damn long to heal. It like I'm getting there, and boom, there he is." I moved my bangs out of my face with a sigh, "Dakota has helped me make so much progress. He makes me want to continue healing. I'm terrified Cody is gonna appear, and make shit worse. Every year for the last ten to eleven years he likes reliving that night with me. He has gotten to me every where I thought safe. He even once got to me while at a park filled with people, but no one saw a thing."

I wiped away the tears, "And no, Dakota doesn't know yet. I'm working at trying to tell him. I'm scared this time though, Cody will set his sights on Dakota and come after him." "Why haven't the police caught him yet," Dylan asked me. "He's a ghost," Richie answered. "He can blend in so easily no matter the environment. Plus he thinks about every move he makes. Looking for all possibilities for it to to wrong, and ensures they don't."

I nodded, "He leaves without a trace." I ate my food even though I didn't feel hungry anymore. "You need to tell him," Dylan told me. I nodded, "I plan on it. I was actually wanting to this weekend in person. I'm gonna do it when we Skype later." It was gonna be a huge step for us, but after earlier, I felt more than ready. I felt it wrong for him to be the only person in my life who doesn't know when everyone else went and read the article.

After eating I decided to grab my guitar and go to the patio. I began to play Hard to Love by Lee Brice while I looked out at the view of the city. I had noticed Dylan come out on to the patio, and stood in the doorway.

When I finished I looked at him and he held out a drink. "Its a virgin strawberry margarita," he told me. I took it and took a drink, happy that it he told the truth about it being a virgin. He sat in the chair next to me.

"I apologize for earlier," he said after he took a drink. "You're just being protective of your brother. I get it." I told him with a shrug.

"He's been through hell, he won't survive it if he gets hurts again." Dylan told me. "The way he looks at you, it's so different from how he has looked at other women. The way he kissed you earlier, that was the first time he has ever kissed anyone and been into it. With Selena, it was always a simple brush of the lips. She also thought the sex was mind blowing. Reality of it is, he just used his tongue or fingers until she shook before sticking it in. Afterwards he'd scrub himself till he was raw in the shower. With you, he had this smile that said he just had the best thing in the world happen to him, and you didn't even fuck him. He left with the world's largest hard on, and wasn't even ashamed because it was you who gave it to him."

I felt hot as a blush took over my face as he spoke.

"My brother doesn't give himself to someone often, but when he does, he does without holding back. He deserves someone who can give back just as much," he told me. I nodded, "And I plan too." I really did because I want this to work. Some may say I'm stupid because I shouldn't give everything in my first real relationship, but I feel like I'm doing the right thing. Plus I'm happy, and that's something I haven't been in a really long time.

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