Chapter 20

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I groaned when I hit the mat. Richie wasn't holding back with our training. Ever since Cody made himself known, Richie thought it best to start my self-defense lessons right away. Dakota has buried himself in work while also doing everything he can to ensure I stay safe. It was annoying. I wanted to talk to him about evolving our relationship, but it never seems to be the right time. Tonight though, I will make it the right time.

"Did you sleep well, " Richie asked me. "As well as usual, " I lied to him. My nightmares have become worse ever since Cody destroyed our rooms. Suddenly I was being attacked by a white fluff ball and her tongue. I laughed and put a hand up to protect my mouth. I sat up and pulled Frost to me, "High pretty girl." Her tail wagged and her tongue licked the air, determined to kiss my face again. I stood up and put her down. My stomach rumbled, signaling I was hungry. "Come on Frost let's go get us something to eat."

Frost scurried after me as I left the workout room. Dakota's brother, Dylan, was in the kitchen on the phone. He's been scarce these days, going to photoshoots and such. He gave me a soft smile before going back to paying attention to whoever was on the phone with him. I made myself a sandwich and got Frost her puppy food.

After I sat down I scrolled through my phone and answered several emails. I haven't felt like leaving the house since the incident so I have been working from home as much as possible. I know I'm just being paranoid, but I have been really jumpy lately thanks to Cody and I seriously hate it.

I had just put my plate in the sink when Dakota came in, looking tired and worn down. He didn't go up the stairs to his newly remodeled room, instead, he went to his office. My heart hurt a little that he is working so much, while I have slacked off. I ran a hand through my hair before making up my mind.

I went upstairs and took a shower. After my shower, I dressed in a pair of silk pajama bottoms and matching silk cropped tank top that had lace on the dipped neckline. I went downstairs with Frost following behind me and went into his office. He was standing in front of his windows, talking on his earpiece in some language I couldn't understand. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist while resting my forehead against his back. He said something that sounded like a statement of departure before removing it. "Are you okay, " he asked while resting a hand over mine. "No, " I confessed to him. "What's wrong, " He asked me. "You're not sleeping right or eating right, " I replied while stepping back. He turned to face me and I looked up at him. He cupped my cheek, "I'm sorry." I shook my head, "Don't apologize, just do better." He sighed, "That's not what I'm apologizing for Lydia. I'm apologizing for letting him get close. You've been too scared to go outside, and when you do you're looking over your shoulder." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "That's not the kind of life I want for you to have. You've been doing so well and then he comes along."

He ran a hand through his hair, his frustration clear as day. "I want to be better. For once, it's actually bothering me that I'm locking myself away. In the past, it didn't bother me because I wanted to hide. You make me want to not hide. You make me want to be better, " I confessed to him. "And I have thought a lot about what you said about wanting a power exchange relationship, and I really want to give it a try."

I watched as his eyes lit up despite how tired he looked. "You won't regret it, I promise, " He whispered. "I believe you, " I told him. He kissed me softly, not much energy to do more than that. I took his hand and began to pull him out of the room. I noticed Frost had fallen asleep on the floor by the door. I picked her up and she didn't really move, just continued snoring. "At least one of us knows how to sleep, " Dakota said with a small smile.

I nodded and we left the room. I put her in her kennel before going to lay in Dakota's bed while he went to change in his bathroom. When he came out he wore black silk pajama bottoms and was shirtless. He crawled into bed and it was like he deflated when he laid down. I laid down, my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me so I was laying on top of him. I smiled softly and shifted so I was comfortable before falling asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night, but it wasn't from a nightmare. I then felt Dakota's skin beneath me was slick with sweat. He was mumbling in his sleep, his face contorted in pain. I slowly sat up, "Dakota." I called out. I did so until he woke up. When he did, he shot straight up, nearly knocking his head against mine. He ran a hand through his sweat-slick hair, "I'm sorry." He whispered it over and over again. I knew he wasn't whispering it to me. I cupped his cheeks and made him look at me.

"It's okay, " I told him. I then kissed his lips softly. I went to pull away but he pulled me to him, my breasts pressed against his wet skin. I could feel his sweat soaking into my top. He kissed me again, this time it was rougher, dominating. I could tell he needed this. He had no control over what happened in his dream, but this he can control. Its why he needed control. He had no control once and it ended up hurting him monumentally. It was why he went into BDSM.

I melted into him, giving him that control. When he pulled away, he was panting, "I didn't mean to wake you up."  I smiled, "You don't have to apologize." I kissed his forehead, "Go take a shower while I change the sheets." He nodded and got out of the bed. I quickly changed the sheets then went to my room to change into some pajamas before going back into his room. He came out of the bathroom wearing a different pair pajama bottoms. He toweled his hair as he walked out of the bathroom. I looked at the clock and saw we had gotten almost ten hours of sleep since we went to bed so early.

He tossed the towel in the hamper, "I can't go back to sleep now, I'm wide awake." "We slept for a while, so its understandable, " I told him. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I really didn't mean to wake you up." I took his hand, "I'd rather it be you over a nightmare, any day." He smiled softly and took my hand. We went down to the kitchen.

I sat at the kitchen island while he grabbed a bag of chips. "How much of the lifestyle did you look into, " he asked me. "I looked through everything you sent me. It, uh, took me some courage to look at the sexual side of it, " I told him. He smiled softly, "We'll go at the speed you set." I nodded, "Okay."

He then told me about the rules that are now in place and how I will address him when its just us. Part of me couldn't believe I was taking this step, but another part of me was very excited. He caressed my cheek before pressing his lips against my forehead, "We'll get through this. I promise." And I believed him.

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