Chapter 26

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It's been a month since Cody broke into the house and left his message for us. Since then, I haven't slept in my room since. Dakota hasn't minded sharing his room though. Even if Frost has gotten bigger and is beginning to take up more room. Unfortunately though, last night Dakota had to fly out to France for some meetings with his other branch. I had to stay behind because of my own meetings at the office. Tonight though I had to get through a nightmare on my own.

Frost followed me from the bedroom as I walked to the kitchen for a cup of hot chocolate. I was shocked to see that Maggie was at the island, eyes bloodshot from crying. She looked up when she saw me, and I probably looked like shit too. I made myself hot chocolate and sat at the island. "What's wrong," I asked her. "I uh, just got off the phone with my mom," she whispered. "What did she say," I asked her. "That she hated all of us and that she regrets ever bringing me into this world," she wiped her eyes as she sniffled. "Growing up, I tried being the world's best daughter in her eyes, even if it meant I was a bitch to everyone else. I just wanted her to love me. In the end, my brothers grew up hating me because I turned into her, the world sees me as some spoiled brat, and it was all for nothing because she hates me. She hates them." She then looked at me, "How did you handle your parents?" "Well, I tried doing everything I could to get them to be proud of me. I became a genius when it came to music, learning every string instrument in existence, all to try and get their attention. Of course it didn't work. When I went off the college, I never knew just how my family felt until I was getting ready for graduation and they had sent back my graduation tickets. A few years later, they adopted Romeo, who never knew I had existed until one of my parents servants told him. They made it seem as if I never existed. Adjusting was hard, but with my friend's support, I was able to get through it and become the woman I needed to be." "I could never expect that kind of support from my friends," she said as she looked at the counter. "Then I guess they're not your friends," I told her. "How do I know if I have a real friend," She asked me after a moment.

I smiled as I thought about my crazy bestie. "You know they're your friend when you can call them and they'll drop everything to talk to you. When they look at your smile and can tell when it's real or not. You'll fight like siblings when you call each other out on each other's crap. You'll also give advice like siblings and not care whether or not it hurts their feelings because it's something they need to hear. They'll want to be there for you, and you'll want to be there for them too. They'll also have your back no matter what. Friendship is a two way street you have to give in order to get. However, siblings make the best of friends."

She scoffed, "My brothers hate. Dylan can't stand being in the same room with me while Dakota just sees me as a pain in the ass to deal with." "Then change that," I told her. "How," she asked me. "That is something you're gonna have to  figure out on your own," I told her.

I then put my now empty cup in the sink and went back to Dakota's room with Frost. I saw I had missed a call from Dakota. I called him back.

"Hey Baby Girl, how are you," he asked when he answered. "I'm sorry I missed your call. I was in the kitchen after having a nightmare," I told him. "It's okay Baby Girl. I actually thought you were still sleeping since I know it is late," Dakota told me. I sighed, "You know me better than that, it's rare I sleep all the way through the night." He sighed softly, "I know baby." "So how is France," I asked him. "Lonely without a certain pink haired beauty by my side," He replied. I felt my cheeks become warm as I rolled my eyes.

"When are you coming home," I asked him. "In a couple of days," he replied. I tried to hold back my sigh of disappointment. "Baby girl, you better not be pouting," he told me. "I'm sorry Master, but that's just such a long time to be without you," I told him. "I'll make it up to you, I promise," he told me.

I smiled, "Just dont spend too much money." He chuckled, "You have no say over that." I rolled my eyes, but didn't protest. I didn't want to spend his first night back being punished because I argued with him tonight. "Time will fly by before you know it," he told me. That was easy for him to say, I thought. 

The next day I was enjoying the peaceful house. Maggie was relaxing in the pool, Dylan was gone on a job, and Dakota was in France. I was playing the piano when the doorbell rang. I got up and answered the door. My good mood was instantly shattered when I saw two detectives on the other side of the door. "I'm Detective Carlson and this is Detective James, are you Lydia McGarth," One with slicked back brown hair asked me. I nodded, "Yes I am." I gestured for them to come inside, "What brings you gentlemen here today?" I shut the door softly once they came in. Richie came into the foyer. "Richie, this is Detective Carlson and Detective James," I introduced. He shook their hands, "I'm her body guard." "We just have a few questions for Ms. McGarth," Detective James told him. 

"What about," I asked them. They then showed me a photo of Cody and my blood became cold. "When is the last time you saw him," Detective James asked me. "I haven't seen him in a year," I told them. "But he has broken into the house a couple of times." "To do what," Detective Carlson asked me. "T-To threaten me," I told him, my chest beginning to feel tight. "We filed a report both times with the police with photos and everything. His latest threat held confession to killing mafia and mob members," Richie told them, moving closer. "Why are you asking questions about him," I asked him. "Because he was found dead late last night," Detective Carlson replied. 

Cody's dead? I felt relief flood me. The nightmare was finally over. "Where were you between the time of one and three this morning," Detective James asked me. "Having hot chocolate with Maggie in the kitchen then on the phone with Dakota for a little bit before going back to bed," I replied. "We have security cameras that record everyone's coming and going if you'd like them to prove Ms. McGarth didn't leave that night," Richie told them.

Detective James nodded, "Thank you. "And where is Mr. Lester," Detective Carlson asked me. "Which one," I asked him. "Dakota flew to France the other day and Dylan is gone to some job somewhere."

"When will Dakots return," Detective James asked me. "In a couple of days," I answered. "Why do you need to question them," Richie asked them. "Cody killed members of the mafia and mob. If anyone killed him, it would be one of those two groups." Detective James nodded, "We're trying to rule out all possibilities."

Shortly after that, they left and Richie turned to me. "How do you feel," He asked me. "Relieved," I told him honestly. I just wondered who may have killed him. The fact they got close to him to begin with was impressive. He was a ghost, easily able to hide, and loose anyone following him. After all, he's avoided the cops the last ten years. "I'm going to try calling Dakota," I told him. He nodded and I pulled my phone out and dialed his number. He didn't answer since he was probably asleep since he was across the world, so I just left him a voicemail. After that I called Chelsea. 

"Hey girly," She said when she answered. "So I found out some news today," I told her. "What is that," She asked me. "Cody was killed," I told her. "The detectives just left after asking me for my alibi." "Honey, I am so happy for you," She told me. "I know I shouldn't be happy someone is dead, but sweetie, I'm ready to celebrate that he can't hurt you anymore. Does Dakota know?" "He's in France right now so he's in a different time zone, so I left him a voicemail when he didn't answer," I told her. "Now that Cody is out of the picture, you can finally heal. I know it won't be instant, but it's like every time he shows up, he hits that reset button," She told me. "No more looking over my shoulder," I told her sagging with relief as it completely set in. 

We talked a little more before I had to hang up so I could look through my emails and start to build out my work schedule for next week. I know I still have the mob and mafia to worry about, but I feel that without Cody in my life to torture me anymore, those two issues were a walk in the park to deal with. With time, they too will be dealt with. I waited ten years for Cody to be out of my life, so needless to say, I was a patient woman.  

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