Chapter 19

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I laid on the bed in the media room. I had decided to sleep in here tonight since I knew for a fact it was going to rain. I scrolled through one of the pages from the list of links Dakota had given me. It talked about various types of BDSM relationships that made my head spin a little. I saw various examples of exchange that I found would be comforting, and a couple that scared me. I clicked on a few more links until I gained the courage to look at the sex page. As I looked through it, I felt myself become hot and my panties wet as I imagined the couples as Dakota and I. Dakota had a firm mind and a steady hand. Could I submit to him?

I then looked over at Frost where she lay on her back as she slept peacefully on the bed. I thought of the month I have been with him so far. It's been amazing. I already give him so much control, and it has helped me. Could I do it fully? I didn't know to be honest. But I wanted to try. I can't do the sex right now, and he knows that. I would like to work my way towards that though. He has already been able to do so much to me that I never thought I could do with someone, it was a possibility. I sighed and shut down my laptop, my mind filled with so many thoughts and questions. I pulled Frost to me before falling asleep.

The next day, I sat in front of Dr. Schooter nervously. "How are you today Lydia," He asked me. "I'm good I guess," I told him. He gave me this look that said he was reading me and knew I had more to say. "My mind is feeling really restless and conflicted," I confessed with a sigh. "Dakota had told me how he learned to deal with his trauma. He explained that BDSM isn't fully about sex, and he gave me these links to very informative sights. Part of me is very curious and wants to give it a try, but there is this part of me that is throwing up these flags and alarms."

"Because you are scared of giving Dakota control," He told me and I nodded. "I'm scared it will come around and bite me in the ass." "Do you trust him," He asked me. I nodded without hesitating, "I trust him very much." After all, he hasn't given me a reason not to. He nodded, "I feel you could benefit greatly from a relationship like this, both mentally and physically. I also think it will help you to be able to be sexually active again. You were hurt severely by Cody, and he continues to find some way to you. I feel vanilla sex may not be something you can have because of all the times you've been assaulted. Now I could be wrong, after all, I can't see the future, these are simply based off of my observations." He told me. "But from what I know from the kind of sex Dakota does enjoy, from what he told me when he was my patient, that he wouldn't even think of a scene if he didn't feel you could do it. After all, a power exchange relationship requires a large amount of trust. Trust in his guidance, Lydia. See where it leads you."

After my appointment, my mind was calmer with only a few questions. Maybe talking with Dakota will help settle those questions, I thought while glancing at my phone. I then shook my head, it was best to have a conversation like this in person.

When I got home I smiled at the sound of Frost's claws on the wood as she ran to me. She tried to stop but ended up sliding into me. I laughed and picked her up. She proceeded to give my face a tongue bath as I carried her to my room. I stopped in the hall when I noticed my bedroom door and Dakota's bedroom door we're wide open. It was a disaster. The furniture was broken, clothes shredded to nothing but scraps, and so many other things were damaged.

"Richie!" I yelled, unable to move. Richie came running up the stairs and stopped when he saw the rooms. No one had been home, not even the staff, and someone knew that. Someone who enjoyed watching me. "It was Cody, " I whispered.

Dakota's POV

I was woken up when my phone began to ring. It was Richie. "Cody was in the house. He completely destroyed anything and everything in your rooms, " Richie explained as soon as I answered. That woke me up instantly. "Where is Lydia, " I asked him. "She went into a full-on panic attack. Chelsea is trying to calm her down." I got up and threw on my jeans, "Give the phone to Lydia." "Yes, " Lydia said, her voice sounding so broken and timid. "I'm coming home, " I told her. "N-No you still have meetings, " She stuttered out, her breathing still not even. "Take deep breaths baby. The meetings can easily be done on video conference. You are more important than those meetings." I kept my voice calm as I spoke to her, despite the anger I felt. I put her on hold for two minutes as I called to have my plane prepared before taking her off of hold.

While I packed my things in a rush I spoke to her, wanting to calm her down. I hated having to hang up when I got on the plane but I had no choice since I wouldn't have a signal.

The entire flight home I stayed awake, unable to sleep. The bastard attacked my house to prove he could get to her. I was gonna have to increase security. Cody wanted a war, I was going to give him one.

When I got home she was on the bed in the media room with Frost. She was watching Peter Pan and had incredibly dark circles under her eyes. Her attention snapped to me before she scrambled off the bed. I held open my arms and she hugged me tightly, burying her face into my chest. "I've got you, " I whispered to her. I picked her up and carried her back to the bed. I laid her down before stripping to my boxers. I laid in bed and she moved so she laid on top of me.

I ran my fingers through her hair, "I've got you baby. He won't get close ever again." She cried silently, my skin becoming wet with her tears, "You didn't need to drop everything for me." "Yes, I did. You needed me, " I told her. I continued to run my hand through her hair until she fell asleep. Worry for her safety kept me awake until my body decided to make the choice to sleep, for me.

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