Face to Face

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Before Baekhyun knew it, it was Tuesday! where his last week went he didn't know. He just knew he was proud, proud of his small close knit team at the gallery, prouder still at all the work they have been doing to secure exhibits from around the world. He drew his phone out, adding a memo about booking  a table at a fancy downtown restaurant. Smiling as he imagines Jongdae's face, at the disgustingly high bill that Baekhyun will personally expense through the gallery.  Professionally his life is top of the game, his personal life, not so much. It had been a mess these last 6 months, he sighs and mutters "More like last 5 years" if he was being honest, it was the radio silence that had eaten him alive. The not knowing if it  truly was himself and his legendary temper, that had driven Chanyeol away. He itched to get out the clipping in his drawer, he wasn't sure if it was to stare at Chanyeol, or to angrily tear it apart. Again his thoughts went into overdrive! He didn't want to accept that perhaps all he ever was, was a dirty little secret! Realistically it was the only conclusion that made any sense to him, and the more he remembered the truer it felt. Like how there were only dates in places like bowling alleys, no romantic dinners. How Chanyeol never stayed the night, the list was endless.

Baekhyun wiped at the tears, he didn't realise had slowly been falling down his cheeks. He was sick of this, the soul destroying silence, and loneliness that had been left in the quake of being practically abandoned! He wanted to feel loved and cherished,  and be able to freely love in return. Now that his gallery was gaining recognition, perhaps it was time to put what ever he had with Park Chanyeol to rest, it wasn't like he would get any other closure. Perhaps now he can find someone who wouldn't want to hide him away, someone who would be proud to be with him! As Baekhyun knows he has so much love  and passion to give. With this mindset he notices the time almost 7.45pm,  he picks up the bottles of champagne he bought at the wine store earlier, and heads off to his best friends apartment.

Chanyeol  knew his brother was up to something, that inclination only proved right when he arrived at Sehun's apartment just 15 minutes ago. God help anyone brave enough to face a pissed Kim Jongdae! His cheek was still stinging! The ear splitting screams said man emitted, whist he shouted profanity at Chanyeol was something else. He had never heard anything like it. Shaking his head,  he  reckons that the black haired troll, would make bank as a Ballard singer. Noticing that his brother is standing with his arms around his partner whilst they laughed at him was too much. "Sehun, Luhan i thought I was coming for dinner. "You are, not everyone is here yet" advises Luhan. Chanyeol had no idea his brother was in a committed relationship, until his return to Korea. He was happy for his baby brother. Luhan was a perfect partner for him. However being in the presence of their love, was agony. It saddened him that  he had no idea about it, or much else that had been happening. Highlighting jus how far they had drifted, whilst Maria waged war, a war she raised toward his whole family,Watching how his brother dotes on Luhan, was enlightening. The more Chanyeol watched them together, the more he realised how much of an asshole he was. He hated that it took this long for him to realise, that the free love and acceptance his brother and partner had, was what he should of given Baekhyun from the very start. He couldn't believe he had long denied  Baekhyun what was the only thing he so desperately wanted. He was stupid! All he got for trying to be protective of himself, was getting thrust in too something,  no one should have to go through! Not to mention, his stubbornness  about being openly together  with Baekhyun caused just as much suffering. He vividly remembers the last time he saw Baek, his always beautiful  smile was nowhere in sight, just a look of shock and disbelief. His face white as a sheet, tears streaming down his cheeks at what he chanyeol, his supposedly loving partner had said in the heat of the moment. He remembered beak screaming about feeling like an escort, only there to service his needs. He couldn't believe at the time, he had stood so stoically and said that an escort wouldn't give him half as much grief, and would actually take charge and be sexy. Chanyeol sighed he truly was an ass, he knew full well what he was doing when he said that, his behaviour deplorable, worse still that fight was the last conversation they had.

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