Worshiping Baekhyun (M)

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A huge thank you to every one reading this, I hope this next instalment is just as eagerly received! I haven't  written anything like this chapter before, I'm sorry it's taken so long to post!! Your feedback is always welcome❤️ ❤️

Luhan's POV.
A pink haired Chinese man leans back against the head board of his boyfriends bed, watching said black haired boyfriend as he paces  in front of the bed.  He watches as that amazing muscular toned chest inhales and exhales more with each obvious unanswered call, the anxiety oozing of him. "Sehun sweetheart I think you have tried to call your brother enough!" The answering scowl and pout his boyfriend suddenly has  just makes him chuckle more, "baby you have already told him the gallery is secure and Jongdae is now with his brother. I know you Sehun, please tell me you haven't called Baekhyun as well!" It's obviously what has happened when Luhan notices his boyfriend won't look him the eye, sighing the petite  pink haired chinese man gets out of the bed, not caring he is naked. Luhan walks over to his no longer pacing boyfriend who is now facing the skyline, wrapping his arms around those glorious abs, "Sehun you want your brother to be happy don't you, so why are you trying to disturb them?" Luhan watches as his boyfriend turns to face him with an almost desperate look in his eyes. Luhan knows that look, it's a strange mix of happiness and unease and is because this beautiful man is worried for both the men he cares deeply about. It's obvious to him what is going to happen tonight, he has only been in both Baekhyun and Chanyeol's presence twice. It's clear to him both are desperate to fix what happened, tonight the air cackled with their chemistry. Luhan didn't believe it would work out between them, but is pleased he is wrong. A slither of guilt enters him, he encouraged Baekhyun to start dating, he too feared the platinum haired pixie was heading down a path of self destruction! Now knowing how both males have been staring at each other, it's fairly obvious what will happen tonight, especially when Chanyeol had all but carried Baekhyun out the gallery! "Baby what did you think would happen, Chanyeol wouldn't of left Baek alone whilst he was like that."

Feeling hands encase his own "Lulu, I know that, and am so thrilled this is finally happening, it's just I don't want them to rush this and repeat the past" Luhan kisses a bare shoulder, "i don't either, but I truly believe your right, they belong together, let them set the pace they are comfortable with." "What happens if it all goes wrong Lulu I could loose them both!" "I don't think that will happen, Chanyeol will never again allow that man to hurt again. Now put the phone down and come to bed." Luhan yelps, it takes seconds to realises he is spun around and lifted off his feet. Next thing he feels are the Egyptian cotton sheets against his back, as his boyfriend climbs over him, Luhan hopes to pick up where they left off.

Meanwhile in a penthouse across town.

Chanyeol waits for what feels like an eternity but is positive its only mere seconds that pass. He wants this so bad! He knows  this has  be Baekhyun's choice, he will never  again let him feel like he did that night 5 years ago. He watches as the petite man still  slightly rotating those thick thighs on his lap dip his head in agreement, a beautiful pink gracing his cheekbones. It's all Chanyeol needs, leaning In for a kiss before he gently pushes the younger man off his lap and stands up. He can feel the rush of blood pooling in his loins already, he can't and won't rush this. Chanyeol will worship Baekhyun  from this moment on, and treat him like the prince he is! Aware the longer he stands staring at him the more awkward Baekhyun will get, not wanting Baekhyun to doubt him or himself, Chanyeol leans forward placing a hand on a delicate tiny cheek swiping his thumb across it "Your so beautiful." Chanyeol watches Baekhyun's sharp intake of breath, before he  captures soft  and already swollen rosebub lips in a passionate kiss.

Spurned on by the rapidly harding appendage resting against his thigh, it's time he put his words in to action. Chanyeol decides its time to move to a much more comfortable place, his bedroom! He hoists the younger man up his chest, his heart singing with joy, when Beakhyun instinctively wraps arms and legs around him. Wasting no more time he heads to his bedroom showering Beakhyun with gentle kisses.

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