Jongdaes Wisdom

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One Week Later

Baekhyun stood staring at the wall where he discovered that chilling graffiti a week ago. The platinum haired man, still found it hard to believe the now newly painted and pristine wall was the scene of a such a crime.

A crime it would appear the police were still no closer to solving! Baekhyun's anger spikes,  it's clear it's no mindless prank! The culprit left no finger prints, the CCTV has been little help, as the culprit had a hood over their head and wore a face mask, making the ability to know their identity impossible. The lack of evidence, and not being able to identify the imposter was really grating him. Both he and Jongdae, had gone over the surveillance videos with a fine tooth comb, once the police returned them. Nobody obvious stood out, both men going over their diaries and appointments to come up with nothing,  what made it more baffling neither had that weird sense of being followed at all. Prompting Baekhyun to take further action to protect  his parents cherished dream, as the gallery was more then just an income and job to him, which made the vandalism all the more difficult to understand.

Concerned he quickly organised a team meeting with the staff, all of whom advised they didn't notice anybody suspicious, nobody asking out of the ordinary questions relating to the Tut exhibit. Baekhyun  not willing to risk anyone's safety, or his gallery's reputation decided to add further security. This consisted of a new sensor alam for the all the art and exhibits currently in show, a new sensor for the reception area,  a new keypad lock for the entrance, fingerprint access to staff areas and his office. Baekhyun insisted on a budy policy for all his staff, after 6pm no one was to be in one area of the gallery without a second member of staff close by. The only thing left to do was to get the temporary heat and movement sensors for the most expensive exhibit the gallery had to date.

Baekhyun closes his eyes, he's not really sure how to process what happened last week, not  just with the gallery, but  what happened after, Baekhyun can't help but blush at the explicit memories of how beautiful Chanyeol was at the height of ecstasy! That and how comfortable it was waking up in his bed. On the one hand he is thrilled that night held the promise of everything he has always wanted, especially when Chanyeol didn't push him away when he woke up to company. Even sharing what is the only public kiss they have had. He isn't given chance to explore that lingering doubt, " You know staring at the wall is a sign of madness." Baekhyun smiles and turns to face Jongdae, doing a little puppy dance when he spies how his assistant has coffee in his hand. "Sometimes I think I am mad," "you are but that is why we love you, and why I have a coffee at this hour for you." Baekhyun smiles at his rather dramatic assistant, checking the clock it's after 9am hardly the earliest time of the day. "Jongdae we have less then 2 weeks to the exhibit," "yes I know, I went been down to the storage unit last night , they have installed the additional cameras you requested and I sorted the feed to both our iPhones and iPads."

Baekhyun can feel his shoulders relax, "perfect now we just have to sort the RSVP's for opening night so I can confirm catering." "Should I add a further guest to that list" Baekhyun turns to his assistant noting the smug look he has, rolling his eyes, honestly he has no idea why he is friends with that stupidly tall man. "Sehun is a gossip," "No he is just happy for his brother, and let slip that he knows you haven't returned his  brothers calls!" Beakhyun winces he hasn't intentionally ignored Chanyeol this last week, turning to face Jongdae, he notices how his face softens, and how he reaches out to grab his hand. "Did you two sleep together last week," "Chen!" "Baekhyun, I'm just asking or is this about what he said to you 5 year's ago?" It's like a damn that bursts as he nods at his best friend and crystal like tears start "I'm so inexperienced  at this Jongdae, Chanyeol is the only person I have ever been with, when he called me an escort, it was like my world had shattered. He broke my heart even more when  a couple days later he moved to New York,  married to someone else! Yet despite all that, and after all this time, Chanyeol is all I think about, I'm scared Jongdae, I'm scared because there is a tiny part of me that hates Chanyeol for what he did, yet the rest of me just wants him to love me, like I love him."

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