Teaser Two!

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Sehuns POV,
The frantic footfalls of both his and Luhan's feet echo in the quiet halls, as they race through the hospital at 2am it's not what Sehun envisioned he would be doing tonight. The squeeze from a tiny hand centres him, yet reminds him no one expected such a life threatening evening. Sehun can feel his heart clench in despair for both his brother and best friend, they didn't deserve this especially on such an important night. "Hunnie this is the correct surgical ward," he hears Luhan announce as they finally make it to the emergency surgical ward, taking a deep breath to calm down as he knows now more than ever he has to be strong.

Bracing himself for the long night ahead he opens the white doors, a sob breaking forth at the sight before him. Standing in the corner of the hallway as close as he can be to the doors to what Sehun assumes is the very theatre Baekhyun is being operated on. Sehen surveys his older brother who has his eyes shut tightly in obvious pain. Sehun isn't so sure if it's from the nasty gash he can see on his brother's cheek, or the profound torment over what he witnessed tonight.

The cut on Chanyeol's cheek isn't the only thing he sees that breaks his heart what he sees now will haunt him forever, the sharp white Tom Ford jacket and black silk shirt his brother wears are caked with the blood of his best friend! A sudden whispered "Chanyeol" from Luhan, has his brother opening his eyes when Chanyeol's dull eyes finally focus on both him and Luhan.  It's all it takes for Sehun to launch himself at his brother, not caring that Chanyeol is covered in the blood of Baekhyun! Nor does he care that his over six foot brother openly cried as he collapses on him, forcing them down on to horrid plastic hospital chairs.

Hot untameable hatred burns bright within him as he listens to his brothers pain filled whimpers, a sudden banging has him draw his brother in closer in act to protect him. Thankfully when he raises his eyes it's to find Jongdae enter along with his mother both wearing exhausted sad expressions. His father will be here soon he knows his father is ensuring those handcuffs remain in place indefinitely.

I know so cruel to cut it off there, just a little taste of what's to come.

I'm so sorry it's taking me a while to update this story I haven't forgotten this story I promise!

Please don't give up on me, thank you so much for sticking with me and for making It Was Always You number 15 in the Baekyeol category!


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