The surprise! (Epilogue)

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Here we are everyone, the finale of my very first attempt at writing stories! I can honestly say i never dreamed I could do this, and that it would achieve over  10,000 reads!

It's amazing the response this has had & I am truly grateful,  as without all the wonderful encouragement I would not of continued or written other stories! (please check my page if you haven't read them)

I hope you love this send off, and enjoy the surprise in this epilogue. Please do let me know what you think.❤️❤️❤️

Six weeks Later & Chanyeol's POV
Chanyeol takes a deep calming breath as he opens the door to his penthouse apartment, it's unnerving how oy calm it seems. Chanyeol smiles perhaps his puppy has finally listened, he still readies himself to go to war with the delicate man he has all but kept hostage since his release from hospital only two weeks ago! The splenectomy Baekhyun needed had saved his life, but didn't save his poor delicate puppy from catching two nasty infections. The first one resulted from his operation and where they sliced him open in such a rush. Sadly it was that infection that had made Baekhyun shy away from him, followed swiftly by a hellish chest infection. In his honest opinion, even now Chnayeol will say to anyone watching Baekhyun battle those infections was worse than watching him get shot!

That dreadful night where Baekhyun had been shot was six weeks ago, it was not only followed by those infections, his poor baby Baekhyun had to spend four long torturous weeks confined to a hospital room. Chanyeol had to watch his delicate boyfriend battle the effects of loosing his spleen whilst fighting those ghastly infections. Baekhyun in those four weeks has lost a staggering 10kgs off his already tiny frame of 64kgs, his heartbreaking over how his baby had never been so frail. Chanyeol has never been more thankful for Baekhyun to be home, where thanks to the proper rest and wholesome home cooked food has already put back on 5kgs of those lost kilos. His frame remains ever so tiny but Baekhyun has that glorious pale skin back, and has finally lost that sickly frail look. Chanyeol sadly like today, has had to on some occasions leave the apartment leaving Baekhyun strict instructions to rest. To ensure that he had arranged frequent visitors, even giving Jongdae a spare key! Thanks to his brother, he knows full well what Baekhyun has been doing from the leather couch he should be resting on. It broke every ones hearts that Baekhyun missed out of the success of the Egyptian exhibit, as it had closed whilst Baekhyun was fighting his chest infection. Once Baekhyun was lucid, he hissed like a furious kitten at the knowledge Maria had robbed him of basking in his success.

Opening the door wider Chanyeol can't keep the smile from his face as he's instantly hit with the comforting smell of shrimp and garlic! He himself being on the receiving end of Baekhyun's stink eye, and furious kitten hisses when Baekhyun realised he had called in the big guns, his mother to help keep an eye on him. Honestly he's a genius not only does it mean Baekhyun will be forced to rest, it also means hot homemade food! His lips salivate at his most favourite smell rounding the corner he expects to see Baekhyun on the sofa "mama where's Baekhyun?" "Hello to you to darling Baekhyun is cleaning up before dinner, I suggest you do too as everyone will be here in half an hour," "every one is coming? Wow mama you work fast I only messaged you three hours ago." "It's just dinner, besides we have much to celebrate I hope you don't mind I put two bottles of  that French champagne you like in the chiller, now shoo!"

Shaking his head at how excited his mother is over this dinner, he is mildly surprised she hasn't called in her usual caterer. Chanyeol likes this so much better it's more intimate and means his brother won't cotton on to anything! He also has no doubt his mother has been planning this dinner for the last two weeks, he has caught his mum and Baekhyun meticulously taking notes on the food network channel. Leaving his mum to it, he heads down the corridor to the slightly open third door on the right. What he sees as he gently pushes open the door is nothing but perfection, he just wishes the occupier of the room felt the same! Chanyeol can't help but smile at the view he's been gifted, and watches silently as Baekhyun stands in front of the free standing mirror in one of his oversized t shirts. Beautiful pale legs on show as he holds up different shirts, it's such a far cry from the hospital. Chanyeol knows it will take time for Baekhyun's mental scars to heal and knows full well how sensitive Baekhyun still is of his scars. He really doesn't want a repeat of the breakdown Baekhyun had when he first saw his scars. The sobs Baekhyun released that day broke his heart, and for a little while no amount of reasoning or showing his own scars could get through to him. Baekhyun still refuses to be seen in anything less then an undershirt and changes in the bathroom. The guilt Chanyeol feels every time he watches Baekhyun scurry away to the en-suite at night kills him. Yet its hard to believe this amazing creature in front of him, still stands beside him and declares how much he loves him even after everything  his harpy of an ex wife did to him. Shaking his head no he will not think of her, not now when the love of his life has a soft smile on his face and light in eyes. "You are so beautiful."

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