A war of the heart

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Baekhyun wakes suddenly to sound of rain lashing against the windows, windows that don't belong in his bedroom! He tries to turn but is unable to move due to the dead weight lying across his naked chest, said weight is also naked! Smiling when he instantly recognises that raven hair using his chest as a pillow, and that unmistakable comforting earl grey and sandalwood scent, one that can only belong to his soulmate. He lets out a small gasp as memories of last night assault him, the desperate whimpers and cries for more, phantom sensations of sensual open mouthed kisses and soft touches over scalded skin, followed by  the most erotic hand job he has ever experienced overflows his senses. One thing for sure as Baekhyun feels the heat in his cheeks is he will never look at that piano the same again!

Not wanting to wake the gorgeous Adonis next to him, Baekhyun gently moves the arm wrapped around his middle, trying not to wake the beautiful man. Finally out of the confines of strong sculpted arms, Baekhyun gently leaves the bed and steals the Balenciaga hoodie he sees on the wooden suit holder before tiptoeing out of the bedroom. Walking past the piano and book case to the floor to ceiling window where the city lights twinkle and the Han River sparkles, Baekhyun would make himself tea, but fears the kettle will wake the man still in bed. Baekhyun releases a happy hum when he spots the cocktail table and a bottle of whisky, much better then tea to calm his rising insecurities.

With a snifter of whiskey in hand, Baekhyun sits listening to the calming sound of rainfall against the window. He can't believe it's been less than a month since he last sat at this window, a couple days before which he still can't quite believe that his heart was pinning for the love of the man still sleeping in the next room! Baekhyun tilts his head at his reflection, his silver grey hair is messed and sticking up in places, his eyes still have a glazed look to them and that red blush is still across his checks, he looks like a hot a mess! Fitting really as that is exactly how he feels, shaking his head a his own reflection Baekhyun takes a sip of the whiskey in his hand hissing slightly at the prickling yet soothing burn in his throat.

With the rain still lashing at the window, Baekhyun lets his mind wonder over the whirlwind of the last few weeks and the battle currently going on between his head and heart! Can he truly do this, yes he loves Chanyeol with all his being and has never cared for their 10 year age gap! That gap pales in comparison, to the love he knows they both have for each other. What he does care about are the hurtful memories that his mind just won't let him forget, his heart still bleeds for the stubborn Indifference Chanyeol had that night, not to mention the vitriol of his words. That's the part he is fighting his head over,  will those awful words be repeated, those words shattered his confidence. Not just his confidence but his lack of experience last night again highlighted just how inexperienced he is at seduction,  he feels like he will forever be one step behind Chanyeol the man has the stamina of a god. Baekhyun sighs Jongdae was right love is certainly a form of exquisite pain, one that is causing a war between his head and heart.

Just a a little chapter whilst I wait for my iPad replacement sadly my current one has died :(

As the title of this chapter suggest Baekhyun is having a war on how he should be feeling, I'm not going to give to much away just say watch this space for more.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy this little snippet I can't wait to see what you all think

Now back to work I go 💜💜💜

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