City Lights

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Chanyeol quietly watches Baekhyun, as said man despondently stares out the floor to celling windows of his penthouse living room. He can see Bakehyun's reflection in the window, as he's sits wrapped in a blanket whilst sitting on his sofa. Chanyeol's heart clenches in pain at the somber look on Bakehyun's petite face that reflects off the window. Somber but beautiful, thanks to the shimmer of city lights behind him. Chanyeol remembers how he all but had to carry the petite,  much lighter then he should be man out of the gallery. Baekhyun was still shaking, his beautiful pale face nearly transparent! Chanyeols heart further breaking when he couldn't get Baekhyun to respond to him about getting home.

Chanyeol knows bringing him to his penthouse was the right idea, he  silently vows Baekhyun will not be alone. Chanyeol hopes its a one off and a cruel prank, not anything else. His blood boils with lava at the audacity of how some creep tried to intimidate Baekhyun. He knows Baekhyun is too innocent for anything black market, the same could be said for Seoul's seedy side.

He checks his phone, noticing a message from Sehun, that confirms Jongdae has been picked up by his brother, and the gallery is secure. He takes a relieving breath, and takes a further look at the man on his sofa, Baekhyun has always been petite, but now looks even smaller. Deciding that maybe a hot drink and confirmation the gallery is under lockdown finally, will provide some solance. He heads to make a suitable drink.

Armed with a chamomile tea for Baekhyun, and his favourite earl grey tea for himself he heads out to the living room. He frowns when he notices that Beakhyun is no longer sitting on the sofa, but stood staring at the window. He knows this is against their promise to take it slow, but he can't bear to see this, to see the love of his life so despondent. It's heartbreaking to watch, and gives him an insight to why his baby brother, flew to the other side of the world. He must make this right! Making a promise that this man will not stand alone for a minute longer, he silently approaches.

Beakhyun jumps slightly when he feels arms wrap around his middle, closely followed by that familiar sandalwood and earl grey scent. It snaps him out of the funk he had sunk into. Feeling guilty that in all the stress of finding his gallery vandalised, he has essentially given the giant man the silent treatment. He truly is amazed that despite what had happened, Chanyeol didn't bail and remained to stand beside him, heck the man all but carried him out the gallery. Baekhyun can finally see that that future together, that he has always dreamed of. Blushing at the memory of being in Chanyeols safe embrace, he wraps his arms on top of Chanyeol's arms. "I've been racking my brains Yeol for who could of done this, not one artist or organisation springs to mind. I don't owe any money, sure the national museum aren't happy a gallery is showcasing the exhibit of a lifetime." Chanyeol takes the words out of his mouth "the museum isn't going to resort to dirty tricks, you and your Father Lee were,  and are honest and respected patrons of the arts."

"Baby, will the exhibit be compromised now, can they pull out of using the gallery." Baekhyun can feel a headache coming on, it is a possibility, one he will do all in his power to keep. "I hope not, the exhibit is due to start in 3 weeks." Baekhyun can no longer keep it together he lets out a sob,  and sinks back to the sofa, taking Chanyeol with him. "Why would someone do this, the gallery has been my sole focus these last 6 months, the gallery is  my sanctuary, I've been so alone, since Pappa died.  Feeling a kiss to his forehead "Oh sweetheart your not alone any more, I promise we will get to the bottom of this."

Baekhyun turns and sits astride Chanyeol's lap, his heart pounding in his chest as he stares in to the eyes of the man he never stoped loving. He can see the love reflected in Chanyeol's soulful eyes.  He leans in to plant a soft kiss on Chanyeol's soft lips. Baekhyun knows that he wanted to take this slow and date, but  he can no longer ignore the sexually charged atmosphere between them! He doesn't care that it is way too soon for them to go in this direction! Going by the impressive still growing erection he can feel pressing into his ass, someone else wants  this as well! He won't deny this passion any longer, as his own libido starts stirring he feels a hesitant pair of hands dip lower from his waist over his ass.  Tonight has shown that life is too short to have regrets, anything can happen in the blink of an eye. Baekhyun wants this future Chanyeol has promised him, its time to stop running. Knowing that they both want this he slams his lips against Chanyeol's.

Before he knows what is happening, Chanyeol can feel  Baekhyun start to slowly grind on his lap, god this man is perfect, his ass still feels as tight and firm as it did the last time he felt it. Unable to help himself he moves a hand from that glorious ass, and palms Baekhyun's erection, knowing the tightness and leather material of those sinful pants will drive Baekhyun mad. It works when Baekhyun has to stop kissing him to throw his head back and let out a moan! Not content with just one moan, he doesn't want this to end, but knows the love of his life deserves more then a roll around in his lounge Baby not here, not like this"

Chanyeol internally curses as he can see the confusion and hurt jump across the younger mans face, shit! Not wanting this beautiful boy to relieve that awful night, he know he has to think fast! kneading that amazing ass once more, "baby, please don't you want to do this somewhere a little bit more comfortable!"

To everyone who chose to read It was always you, I thank you, I can't believe how many reads I have!!! Please as always provide your feedback❤️❤️

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