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A big thank you to all of you reading It was always you, and for the massive support! It's truly awe inspiring just how many read and votes this has. Not many more chapters to go now, hold on too your hats for this!

Baekhyun's POV!
It's so strange the sensation of being shot! Beakhyun imagined it would hurt more it burned for seconds before he felt his surprisingly hot blood start spilling all over his silk shirt! Yes his breathing is suddenly hard and his chest is tight, yet he feels oddly at peace and doesn't even feel it when his legs give way, as he sinks to the granite tiles beneath him! He felt the searing hot impact of the bullet for mere seconds, it was like an out of body experience feeling the bullet pierce his abdomen, like a knife would butter. He tries to focus on the scene around him, but everything is fuzzy all he can see are shadows of people moving around the screams of his guests are muted like he's sat underwater. The irony that he gets shot at the base of an historic sarcophagus under an artificial ceiling laced with magic spells from the book of the dead, isn't lost on him either! Sudden panic floods him, did Chanyeol make it turning his head to the last place he saw his tall giant desperate to make sure he succeeded in pushing him out the path of that deranged Harpy's gunfire! Even moving his eyes takes a Herculean effort as he tries valiantly to lock on to his love, relief floods through him when he finally focuses on what he thinks is the white jacket he wore it's hard to tell as his eyes feel so awfully heavy.

It's not helped that he can hear a strange whimpering in his ears as he struggles to focus on anything. His abdomen feels numb under his hands, his feet  and legs feel like ice, yet  his hands are warm and sticky, as he struggles to stop the thick warm liquid ooze. He can feel his body shivering not sure if it's from the coldness seeping over his skin or the adrenaline, his heartbeat is pumping so hard he can feel it all over his body. He blinks to try and stop the blackness dancing across his vision from taking over and in effort to stop all the exhibit stands from bouncing around the room. He closes his eyes again hoping he can finally focus on something, when he hears a sudden angst filled roar, one that forces his eyes open again, a feat in it self as all he wants to do is keep them closed! Baekhyun turns his head agin when he hears  a frantic wounded cry of "Baekhyun" and loud footfalls followed by what sounds like broken sobs right beside him! Trying to focus on the blurry face above him and the sudden burst of much needed heat from something beside him, the shocked gasps of "no no no," his heartbeat slows when the welcome smell of earl grey and bergamot invade his senses, he know he recognises that scent! That familiar smell, smells like home it so nice compared to the smell of blood, spilled alcohol and lemon floor cleaner. Baekhyun tries to focus on the comforting smell as he feels his top half  being gently lifted off the floor to whispers "shh I have you," and some kind of material against his back "Yeollie?"

Chanyeol's POV!
"I'm here, why Baekhyun baby, why did you take that bullet for me" is all Chanyeol can whisper as he tries in earnest to choke back on the sobs stuck in his throat, when all he so desperately wants is to scream out in anger! It's agonising to watch the love of his life's normal bright baby blue eyes dart around unfocused! He will never forgive him self for this,  how could he of been so stupid to want to believe all the accidents were not related! Chanyeol blanks out the chaos behind him as he tenderly pulls Baekhyun closer "yeollie," "I'm here baby!"  The trembling of his petite boyfriends body makes his heart splinter in to a million pieces as he watches those normally plump rose red lips turn paler with every second! Chanyeol is amazed when those beautiful lips and that delicate voice whispers "your not hurt are you?"

Shaking his head as he tries not to cry, only this pure delicate creature would be concerned about someone else when lying on the cold floor with a gunshot wound! "No angel you saved me," "I saved you?" "Yes baby, you were so brave," Chanyeol can't control his emotions anymore, gently placing a hand on Baekhyuns cheek, absolute agony rippling in his heart at how cold those porcelain cheeks are " I'm so sleepy" "I know Angel, you can sleep soon, for now you you have to stay awake a bit longer for me,  I promise help is on the way!" No longer able to control his emotions he openly sobs as he adds his hand to Baekhyun's abdomen to help stem the flow of blood.

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