James Park

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Hello everyone, ah so much time has passed, I have had a few technical issues which have been causing grey hairs!! I have been trying so desperately hard to get this chapter ready I hope it doesn't disappoint more notes at the end of the chapter.

James Park POV.
James remembers with perfect clarity, the face Chanyeol wore the day he told him about the arranged wedding. He too this day can't believe he fell for Maria's blackmail, it really should of twigged when Maria advised him, Chanyeol would refuse to accept it. How she begged that under no circumstances, was James to reveal the tapes, as her Father would just arrest Chanyeol and let out the scandal of underage sex she recorded!

He will never be able to get that image out of his head, Chanyeol eyes had clouded with furious desperate tears whilst they screamed blue murder at each other, how Chanyeol had voiced his hatred at him for using him like a pawn. 3 days later it was the wedding, James heart breaks when he remembers how he barely recognised his son standing in front of the judge, Chanyeol was shaking and kept looking behind, not at him, Chanyeol just stared straight through him, almost desperately at the doors to the judges office. Two years later the truth was revealed and his world was turned upside down.

He won't fail his son again nor will he allow the young man forgotten in all of this to continue living like he has. He looks once more at the young men in front of him, one his son who despite dealing with some awful events that  he knows he helped orchestrate, still willingly calls him dad. James turns to the young man beside him, this man has endured so much in his 25 years, the Gallery and both his boys are his life. James hopes that Baekhyun wont hold what he did against him, as he truly believed he was protecting his baby at the time, and that Baekhyun will find it in his hear forgive him one day.

First they have to get to the bottom of what's happened last night. Chanyeol's hunch that the incident at the gallery, is related to Maria Kim is possible, however how she knows of Baekhyun is concerning, Chanyeol has made it quite clear he will not tolerate anything happening to him. The matter of last night, well he is not exactly thrilled to of discovered a possible gate crasher to a private event! The guest list an invitation only and handled by Sandra, many of whom are family friends! James agrees that something is going on, the ping of phone with a message from his top security officer confirms what he feared, there is no interaction recorded of Baekhyun and the stranger on his state of the art home system. Not that it's been Tampered with he knows his son and Baekhyun were networking and spoke to several people. James knows he can't accuse anyone there of scaremongering with no proof.

James sits back in his chair, watching his his carbon copy double, and the young man beside him. The sudden strawberry hue Baekhyun's face  is now sporting would be funny in normal situations, however today is not normal. He is delighted that the couple before him have quiet obviously more then made up, he has noticed how Baekhyun has had to subtly shift around on the sofa and by the way his  hands are currently wrapped like vines around one of Chanyeol's. The image before him makes him so happy, and  able to believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel for his first born son. For now he will leave the matter of the party to his security team, as it appears the love birds in front of him need time alone, "Chanyeol why don't you and Bakehyun, head back to the city, you have a lot to talk about."

A wide eyed Baekhyun sits in stunned silence, unable to comprehend what he has just been hearing! James and Chanyeol Park, have been privately investigating the graffiti attack his gallery has experienced, using their own security firm that keeps watch over their chain of hotels. Chanyeol sits beside him, desperately pressing his father for an update on two separate restraining orders and movements of the Kim family! All the while he feels like he is trapped under water, clawing his way to the surface! Yes he is angry, but that pales in comparison to the fact that the love of his life has not one, but two restraining orders. Its just isn't possible that the gallery break in, was at her request! Baekhyun has seen the footage of the attack, it's not a female. Plus the Maria Kim he has read about, would of made quite the entrance in to the country, not to mention there would be some kind of fanfare from both her and her father. At the very least the media would of picked up on the return.

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