Surprise Kisses

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Chanyeol,  stood staring out the floor to ceiling windows in his new office, he truly was happy to be back in Seoul.  The view of the river always calmed him, something he missed in the concrete jungle known as New York. He was looking forward to planning the architecture for the new exclusive resort in Jeju. He loved working at Parks International, the worldwide hotel chain his family created with just one hotel over 100 years ago, the company had evolved to now be one of the big leagues, and had hotels  all over the world, he had worked on the redesign of some of the American ones, and was poised to continue on as Head Architect, before taking the reigns as COO. Looking out to the river he couldn't help but compare his home to America, he did love New York at first, but then shit hit the fan. Taking a deep breath as not willing to think about that dark period and what he had suffered, he moved his thoughts to last Tuesday's dinner.  It wasn't the complete disaster he feared it would be, he couldn't help but chuckle and smile, his brother should really consider getting caterers for any entertaining he does! The hot pot incident now a new disaster in Sehun's catalogue of attempting to be domestic, ensured that the conversation was focused elsewhere allowed him time to watch Baekhyun. Who thankfully had been oblivious to him, as he was busy filling Luhan in about all his brothers attempts at cooking, much to the Chinese man's delight.

Chanyeol moved back to his desk, intent on at least getting the first draft of the plans going. Remembering the other crucial part of dinner, he hated how he overheard Baekhuyn who was talking to Luhan quietly about his gallery and the exhibits planned,  and how the man let slip about his plans to try and date! He had to hide his shocked choking behind a coughing fit, which stopped the pair's conversation. He truly was a horrible person. That night will always be his biggest regret, he just couldn't understand why he just stood as stoically as he did, while watching the love of his life recoil in rejection, hurt and doubt from him, only to follow that by leaving and slamming the door.

He lowers his head in shame, he never meant any of the vile words he spat at Baekhyun. Chanyeol really didn't mean what he said! What he said was so so far from the truth and completely in the heat of the moment, his temper was always getting the better of him. He  had actually loved the way Baek touched him, and how his stomach would always flare in heat and need. Beakhyun has always been free about his sexual orientation,  even in his teens,but had confessed when they realised how they felt about each that he hadn't really had any experience, unlike his  own multiple under the radar hookups. He truly loved how shy and innocent Baekhyun was, how  Baekhyun had never really done anything sexual before him. Those delicate hands of his, hands that were always so gentle. His plump rosebud red lips always soft like butter, never failed to get him off! Shaking his head of the inappropriate way his thoughts  were heading, not that he couldn't get off to Baekhyun, normally he would just imagine said man naked and panting beneath him, and he shoot his load, but today in his new office, is probably not the best idea. He absolves that first he should and will explain how he truly feels, before Baekhyun goes through with that insane notion of dating. A soft smile graces his face, aware that what he is about to do will embarrass and possibly anger the man in question, but unable to help himself he grabs his phone and car keys.

Chanyeol stood before Byun Gallery, very much surprised, the gallery had undergone a massive makeover, not that it was ever drab! The outside that was once so easily missed if you didn't know what to look for, was now all sleek stone and natural lighting. Befitting for the new direction the gallery was taking.  He was impressed as an architect and designer, he could see the attention to detail, but he wasn't here for this today. Taking a deep breath and holding the flowers in his hand tighter he drew in much needed oxygen, and opened the door.

"I don't think the sarcophagus sitting in this corner is going to benefit the entire exhibit, I think it should be centrally based, and that corner used for the statue of Horus" Beahkhyun was flat out busy trying to get the new exhibit just right with Jongdae, however his normally patient demeanour was being severally tested. As it would appear Jongdae was too busy gawking at the entry way.  Letting out  an annoyed sigh he "Chen what is so oh"  he could see the reason why his right hand man was sidetracked. Park Chanyeol stood in his gallery! Taking a deep breath surprised to see the seriously tall man, he was about to speak when Chen beat him to it "Mr Park, this is a surprise but I don't believe we have you down for a consultation today." Beakhyun Chuckled, thankful that his best friend is here. He tries to get back into concentrating on the exhibit, some of the artefacts are due to arrive for secure storage in the next week, but a strange feeling in his heart makes him stop.   Getting a good look at man, who has been the source of emotional torment,  as he wasn't in any fit state to do so at dinner, and mainly didn't want to.  For the first time he can see the same torment reflected in Chanyeol's eyes as his own.

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