San Japan pt. 1

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" AHHHHHHHHH!!!" My friends and I squealed together as we stood in front of the annex for San Japan. This wasn't my first time at a YouTube convention. I went to see JackSepticEye at Pax Prime and HE PROPOSED TO MARKIPLIER ( not rlly it was a joke) I    S H I P    I T!!!!!!!!!

" I can't believe it!!!!!" My friend Ryliegh said, taking my hands and jumping. I joined in, taking I was about to meet my biggest crush ever....

" DAGames." I said, gazing at the large banner above the door. I blushed at the YouTube group's name. The main gamer/singer on the channel, Will Ryan, is really the main one I want to meet. He's so frickin cute! And he has a huge personality! The line hadn't started for the concert yet, but apparently my other friend ( my best friend), Tess, came prepared-

" Oh yeah. Here (y/n)! Happy birthday!" Tess said, a large smile gleaming over her face. 

" TESS!!!!" I almost died. " VIP PASSES?????" I read the card that came with it without taking a breath. " We get to see the concert in front row, two pieces of free SIGNED DAGames merch of our choice each, sit in the front of the meet & greet, and we each get an entry into a raffle."

" What's the raffle prize?" Ryliegh asked, excited. Her voice echoed through the almost empty building. We were volunteers to help set up the DAGames pannel. No one else ( crowd-wise) would be there for the next 4 hours.

" Three lucky winners will get an all-out experience by SPENDING A DAY WITH THE DAGAMES GROUP MEMBER OF THEIR CHOICE!!!" I squealed. The girls had seen me excited before, but not this excited. 

Just then, a British voice spoke behind me. Tess and Ryliegh stopped their freak-outs and starred. Tess punched me in the arm. I was about to turn when-

" Is this Tess, Ryliegh, and (y/n)?"


Tell me what you think about the chapter and let me know if you have any chapter suggestions! I try to update regularly, but with working at the barn, I sometimes can't think of anything. But I will try my best to get you guys the best even if it means I stay up until 3 am XD. 

Thank you all and I will see you in the next chapter! PEACE OUT!!!! 


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