Heads Or Tails...

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***(Y/N) P.O.V.***

It's the next day after the party. Everything went great from gaming to socializing. I get off the chair and look around. Mark and Jack are passed out on the couch. Nathan, George, Andrew and Elan are on the floor. Preston is half on the coffee table and Nate and Will are each in a bean bag chair that I brought down from upstairs. Me, Tess, and Ryliegh are the only ones up. I go outside to see them in the pool, taking videos of each other trying to stand on pool floats. I laugh as Tess tries to ease herself onto a pineapple, but falls backwards when she gets up there. They see me and turn to watch as I jump in. I still had my bathing suit on from yesterday, but I had put clothes on over them for the rest of the party. 

" It's easier to stand on the flamingo." I say. 

" Yeah we know." Ryliegh said, flopping to do an underwater back flip. 

" Wanna go to the barn?" Tess asked as we got out and went inside. As soon as she says that, my vision blinks. It almost looks like a computer glitch. Huh. I shook my head and Tess turned to me. "(y/n), did you hear me?" 

" Huh? Oh, yeah. Uh... I don't-" I'm cut off by the lights flickering in my room. ( I'm just gonna call Ryliegh Ry now bc I mess up spelling it a lot.) Ry turns to look, but no one is there.  " That was odd.... I just replaced these yesterday..." I said. 

" Maybe it's the power...?" Tess says slowly. 

" No.. It wouldn't flicker that fast..." I say and the lights flip again. My laptop sits on my desk and I open it to check my channel. The screen glitches and rolls like a broken film. My screen is covered in what looks like green and red cracks. The girls come over and I hear someone knocking on my door. I open it and Jack comes in, looking worried. 

" Jack, you okay?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

" Have you seen Nate or Will anywhere?" 

" Not since I got up, but you all were still asleep. Why?"

" We can't find them anywhere." Jack looked at my screen.

" Did you check at their houses?" Tess said, standing from my bed.

Jack nodded. " Both.... But Nate's car is still here." 

~~I have them.~~

" Did you hear that...? Ry shuttered.

A guy who resembled Jack popped onto my laptop screen, his neck was stained from blood.

" Anti.." Jack muttered. " Where are they?" 

~~Why don't I show you?~~

My vision turned black for a split second. There was a light hanging from the ceiling and two chairs back to back with men tied to them. 

" Will? Nate?" I almost screamed. They were covered in scars and gashes dripping blood. Tess and I stumble towards Will as Ry and Jack went to Nate. Will groaned and screamed in pain as a cut appeared on his shoulder.

"Will? Will! Babe, it's okay. It's okay. Look at me." I calmed myself down so I wouldn't scare him anymore. "Look at me." Will looked up at me, blood running down his face from a wound on his head. "It's okay." I said again. 

" Nate..." He muttered. 

" What was that? I didn't hear." I  said, clearing his hair from his eyes. 

" Where's Nate....?" He managed a louder voice, just enough for me to hear this time. It was shaky and raspy.

" He's behind you. Jack and Ry are with him." I saw Will's body relax. 

" Thank God." 

" We're gonna get you out of here." Tess said, trying to untie the rope that held Will. I watched as Jack sliced Nate's off with his pocket knife. I do the same, whipping my Bear Grylls knife out of my pocket and sawing the rope off of Will. Tess helps him stand until an unknown force pulls the boys back. Anti appears, holding Will by the shoulder with one hand and Nate with the other. A quarter appears in my hand. 

~~Heads for Will. Tails for Nate.~~

Anti's voice causes my spine to shiver. His glitching green eyes beaming right at me. I can't do this. I said to myself. 

~~Whoever you land on, he is safe. The other is all mine for eternity unless you can pay the trading price. Now flip.~~

I stare at the coin, then at Anti, then Nate and Will, then my friends. I look back at the coin and a large burst of wind swirls above us. I look up to see Mark, Nathan, George, and the rest of the crew fall from the clouded section above us. There's only one difference... 8-BitRyan is with them.

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