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Will and I weren't even 2 hours into unpacking his stuff when he had and idea that sent my excitement levels through the roof.

" I have an idea. Chloe has taken over DAGames. Why don't we start a new channel and upload this as the first video? She'll see it, realized I don't want anything to do with her anymore and BOOM! She's jealous of your awesomeness!" He said with strong enthusiasm.

" I don't see a problem with that." I shrugged and he ran out of the room. I followed as he ran down the small walkway to an open banister railing and flung himself over it, landing right beside the box with his cameras and setup stuff in it. He looked up and saw me, laughing and shaking my head.

" What? You've never seen a 27 year old man jump off a rail?" He laughed, holding his arms out, signalling to the rail. 

" Well. I've seen a 27 year old girl do it." I said sarcastically. He gave me a weird face before I repeated his trick, running down the hall and lunging myself over the rail. 

" Glad to see I'm not the only parkour fan around here." He smirked, still looking for his camera. 

" You'd be surprised. I grew up with most of the people in my old neighborhood as a kid. Then as we got older, we found ourselves migrating over here, which was a new road at the time and no one lived on it. We pretty much dominated the area in less than a year. There's good parkour trails in the woods, and we had a park set up for it too." 

" That's just..... wow!" Will tried to look for words, but failed. 

Finally, he found the right camera and stand for it. We went back upstairs and set it up. I opened the channel and started on it. After coming up with multiple names, we had to choose. The hardest thing was that I loved them all. He had DA-Online, Will & (y/n), and Equine Gamer. It took forever to come up with the names, but I personally like DA-Online. Will agreed and that was the set name for the channel. Then I was in charge of the background photo and put together my own edit:

 Then I was in charge of the background photo and put together my own edit:

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I called Will over to see.

" Hey babe-" I realized what I just said. Dang it. Will blushes and comes over. " How's this?" 

" I. Love. It." He said, shaking my shoulders. I laughed and blushed. I stayed quiet for a minute, which wasn't a normal reaction for me. 

" You okay?" He asked, running his hand on my back. I blushed and looked at the floor. 

" It's just I never thought I'd be lucky enough to meet you in the first place, let alone you moving in next to me. And then I'm you're girlfriend now? I still don't believe that happened ya know? Just a week ago, I was just another fangirl on the channel. Now, my idol is my boyfriend." I stopped when I felt Will's arms wrap around me. I leaned into him, laying my head on his chest. He layed his head on mine and for the next few minutes, I felt completely safe. 

A few minutes later, I was forced to move. My chair started rolling out from under me and I surrendered to gravity as I fell onto Will. We laughed as I got up and grabbed the laptop. 

" We're all set!" I said, closing it and putting it on the charger. Will went to turn the camera on. The timer light blinked and Will counted off and said the intro. To his surprise, I said it with him. 

" Hey buddies and welcome to DA-Online where music, games, and vlogs come to life! I'm Will Ryan!"

" And I'm (y/n) (surprise last name. You'll find out when Will meets her brother )!"

We continue the video, making thousands of jokes and puns. At last, it's over. Will closes out and cuts the video. 

" You did amazing!" Will picks me up and spins me. After he puts me down, I leave.

" See ya tomorrow!" 

"What time?" 

"When do you get up?" I ask, laughing at his next reaction.

" Uhhhhhhh........................ I can be up by 6?"

"I'll be here at 6:30."

" Okiee." We hug and I leave. When I get home, I flop onto my bed.

Best. Day. Ever. I said to myself as I soon fell asleep.

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