I Love You

415 13 7

It's been a few days since the convention and meeting Will. We text every day and I've told him more about my ex. Today, I gathered the courage to ask him where he was moving to.

Me- Hey FlipNugget :P

Will- Hey Half-Hair XD

Me- Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo You know how you said at the panel that you were moving?

Will- Yee

Me- Well............. Where to?

Will- NC

Me- SHUT UP NO WAY! Where in NC?

Will- Winston-Salem

Me- ......

Will- U ok?

Me- **.......internally screaming**

Will- Oh God-



Will sends me the address and I can't even begin to form words. Will Ryan of DAGames is moving to the house beside mine!


Will- Wait really?!






I close Will's contact and call Tess and Ryliegh. All Ryliegh could say was I ship it. Tess was screaming, telling me what to do if he asks me out. I rolled my eyes.

" He won't ask me. I feel like I'm cursed by the memory of Garrett to never think that someone likes me forever." 

" Okay number one- YOU'RE NOT CURSED SO STOP SAYING THAT! And number two- You saw how he was looking at you at San Japan. He is in love with youuuuuu." Tess says, like a typical 26 year old who has been your bff since 3rd grade. 

" Whatever." I look at the time. " HOLY-" I heard a U-Haul outside. " He's here. I gtg."

" Go get yourself a boyfriend!" Ryliegh cheers before we all hang up. I run downstairs to the door and stand there for a moment. Looking out the window, I see Will and two other guys moving a large couch into the house. I go outside and stand on my porch. Will comes back out to get something else. 

" Hey FlipNugget! Need some help?" I call over. He turns to look and his eyes get wide, almost dropping the box he's holding. I jump over my porch rail and walk over to his yard, pick up a box and follow him inside.

" I can't believe I'm your neighbor." He said, carrying the box to a room upstairs. 

" I still can't believe I met the one person I look up to the most! Face it Will, you're my hero." He blushed a DAAAARK red. " Also, if you want to come over tonight, you can meet my brother."

" Really? Thanks, (y/n)! I'd love that!" He said while unpacking another box. 

" Yeah. I think you'd like him." My face heated up at his enthusiasm. " Garrett didn't...... So I don't introduce many people anymore....." I spoke low. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

" I'm not Garrett." Will whispered in my ear, and my face burned and I turned away. But it didn't work. Will saw it. His face turned bright red, his hair in his eyes a bit to hide it. I turned back, allowing him to see my crimson face. His eyes grew wider and he looked away, but spoke to me in a low voice. " Are you okay?"

" This is what happens when I'm around you....." I barely squeaked before he looked back at me. 

"Yeah?" He smirked, blowing a faint laugh. 

" Y-Yeah..." I tried to speak as clearly as I could.

" How so?" Will asked, turning his head back to me, except this time we were closer. Our noses barely touched each other as we stood, not even an inch apart. 

" You're n-not only my idol. Y-you're my c-crush..." Good job (y/n) way to make a fool of yourself. I thought while staring into Will's ocean blue eyes. 

" I-I'm your w-what?" Will stammered, shocked by my sudden statement. He took a step back, giving me space.

" I've had a crush on you ever since I started watching your Outlast videos. You've helped me through hard times. You're funny, sweet, and just all around a nice guy to be around. Believe it or not, you make me feel safe. I didn't want to say anything because I knew you were with Chloe at the time and I knew I would just seem like a normal fangirl. I wouldn't stand out. But to be honest, Will..." I ended my rant in a whisper: " I love you..."

I was half expecting him to kick me out, but I was surprised to feel a pair of gentle arms wrap around me. Before I knew it, my eyes were watering. Will hugged me tight, not seeming to want to let go. I layed my head on his shoulder, since he was taller than me and that was pretty much all I could reach. We stayed there for a minute or two before he spoke in a quiet voice, breaking the silence. 

" I love you too."

We pulled away for a minute, Will still holding me. He put his hand inside his hoodie sleeve and wiped over my eyes with it. " Darn it (y/n). You're gonna get me crying now." He laughed,clearing his eyes as well. Then he looked back at me and said something I couldn't ignore: " (y/n), w-will you be my girlfriend?" I covered my  face with my hands but Will pulled them away. " Don't hide yourself. You're too beautiful for that." I blushed. 

" Yes Will. I'll be your girlfriend." I hugged him again. My eyes were full of tears- tears of happiness and relief. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe again. 

*** There it is! Will and (y/n) are now together, but what does the future hold for them? What will Chloe think of this? How will Garrett respond? And most of all, can Will and (y/n) dodge a dangerous figure that lurks in the shadows? Stay tuned to find out more! ( Koda laughs evilly and disappears) Thanks for reading and I will see y'all in the next chapter! PEACE OUT!***


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