Enter Sandman

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***NATE P.O.V.***

I walk along a small dark alley. The air is calm one moment and seems distressed the next. Almost like something is controlling it. I come to an open wall and go though. A large corridor sits before me, rocks and debris everywhere, as if there was a bomb that went off. Something moves by a crumbled building in front of me. I shine my phone's flashlight at the figure. It stops for a moment and stares at me. It's eyes were completely black and purple streaks fall from it, like the Marionette in Five Nights At Freddy's. I feel as if I'm looking into a mirror.... The creature looks like me! My phone turns off and the flashlight goes with it. When it comes back on a second later, its gone. I see a half broken door shut in a building behind the one where I saw the creature. My head told me to turn back, but my feet moved forward while my heart pounded with the sudden urge to find out what that thing really was.

As a approached the shed, I hear something clatter in the back of it. I speak in a clam voice so that I don't scare whoever's inside.

" Hey, are you okay in there?" 

I open the door and look around trying to see what the noise was. As I move deeper into the building, a stack of large boxes falls, forcing the door closed and trapping me in there. 

I hope there's another way out. I said quietly to myself and I hear scuffling in the corner of the shed. I open my flashlight again to see the creature from before and I was right. It looked exactly like me... 

The figure stared at me, only his eyes weren't black anymore... They were a reddish-brown. His purple streaks trailed to the top of his neck. Other that that, I could have sworn that I was in a mirror. I spoke again in a calm voice, as to not scare him. 

" Who are you?" 

" I am Natemare. Are you like him?"

" Who's him? Is someone bothering you?" I'm confused by what he said. Him? Who's him?

" AntiSepticEye. My creator."  His deep, echoing voice shook as he said Anti's name. His eyes grew dull and started to turn black again. 

" God no!" I said and I saw Natemare breathe a sigh of .... relief? " I'm full on against him. He tried to kill me and my friend." His eyes grew wide and he pulled me into a room. 

" You are Nathan Smith? So I'm your..."

" Yes Natemare. You're my alter ego. But you don't seem that evil." I keep myself quiet.

" I don't want to be. That's the thing. But Anti wants me to be your worst nightmare." He spoke as if he was nervous.

" Natemare, you're scared of Anti aren't you?" 

" I'm scared of all of them. Anti, Dark, Die, Darko, Madpat, everybody. I don't want to be like them." I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a kind, reassuring smile. 

" I'll get you out of here. You can stay with me." 

" Really? You'd risk your life to protect your evil side?" 

" I will and I am. You'll have lots of new friends as well." 

Then, we heard a spine chilling voice. 

ຖคtē๓คrē. ຟhērē คrē ฯ໐น? i ຖēē໓ t໐ Şh໐ຟ ฯ໐น h໐ຟ t໐ tคkē ໐งēr ຖคtē'Ş lifē!

" It's Madpat!" Natemare's body froze and I was sucked out of the room to a lighter world...

I woke up and looked around. I must've fallen asleep in my office, eyeing one of my gaming posters on the wall. I checked my phone for the time. 9:30 am. There was only one thing on my mind when I was driving to (y/n)'s house....

I need to find Natemare....

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