PubG Showdown

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" What's up wolfies? And welcome to the ultimate PubG showdown on the new squad channel! I'm here with Will Ryan of DA-Online, Markiplier, JackSepticEye, NateWantsToBattle, Natemare, TessPlayz, Moosecraft, UnspeakableGaming, RTGaming, 09SharkBoy, 8-BitRyan, MatPat, PrestonPlayz, and FavreMySabre and this is PlayerUnknown's Battle Grounds!" I said with strong enthusiasm. 

" We are going to invite each other onto teams. Once we enter the lobby, each team will move to a different area of the house. The last team standing, even if an outside player wins, moves on to the next round." Jack said as if he were on Impractical Joker. 

" To clarify, an outside player is someone who isn't in the squad." Tess said. 

" We ready?" Will asked, hitting his friend's list. 

Once we got into our teams and entered the lobby , we scattered around the house. Me, Will, Ryan, and Natemare went into my room and we shut the door so no one would hear our game plans. I invited the boys to jump with me and we launched from the plane right above Pochinki. We landed in the heart of the town and ran around, collecting supplies. I picked up a SCAR-L, 12 Gauge shotgun, and Scorpion. Will ran past me and picked up the first aid kit I was going for.

" No! Will! Give it back!" 

" Nevaaaaaaaa." He said, running through a house and jumping from a window. OH CRAP! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! MARK NOOOOOO!"

I laugh, watching as Will runs from Mark. Mark doesn't appear to have a gun, so Will can shoot him. 

" Oh wait. I have a gun in my hands." Will said, mentally facepalming and he turns. Mark runs at him and slashes a crowbar at Will, only to be knocked out as result. The rest of Mark's team runs after Will, as he is the only one from my group that's not hiding. As Tess, Ry, and George run after Will; Me, Ryan and Natemare sniped from the houses. Knocking out the whole team, the rest of us scattered while Ryan threw a smoke grenade followed by a frag grenade. The team was eliminated as the bomb exploded. 

On the way to the Hospital, we were cracking bad jokes. 

" So where to, (y/n)?" Natemare asked, sniping an outside player while running. 

" The hospital area. We can loot there, then the mountain range is totally OP."

" OOOHHHH I'm goin' home boys!" Will yelled. 

" What do you mean?" I laughed. 

" Well, lots of people say I'm mentally insane. I mean you never specified which kind of hospital." He said, and I almost lost it.

" Oop- does this look like an asylum to you?" Ryan laughed, wheezing as we ran inside.

I ran upstairs and grabbed some grenades and ammo. Looking in one of the rooms, I ran back out and threw a moltov cocktail, causing raging fire in the corner. Jack came crawling out and I shot him dead. Will came up and we looted Jack's stuff. Then there was an ambush. Nathan, Andrew, Elan, Preston and four other outside players swarmed the building. We jumped out of the windows and met up with Ryan and Natemare on the mountain. We ran to a Jeep and drove it back to the top of the mountain so we'd have an escape car. Ryan called the shots as we took aim on the hospital area and the groups that had invaded it. I shot Nathan down and as Preston came to his aid, Will fired at him. As we ran down to loot, there was shooting downwind. Natemare was knocked out. I went to revive him.

" Save yourself. It's too late for me." He said in a fake-dying voice. 

" I'm not leaving you!" I said dramatically before Andrew killed him. " Welp see ya." I said, running from Natemare's box and hiding behind a tree. 

There were several more moments like that and eventually, Will and I were the last two alive on the team. It was us against an outside player when they ran into the house we were hiding in. We had a strong advantage because the house was the only open spot in the remainder of the playzone and we got inside first. We waited on the player to come upstairs with Will waiting behind the entrance and me in the corner. He came upstairs and we fired. It didn't take long before the round was over. Will and I ran outside and shot our excess ammo and threw grenades. By the time the game had completely ended, we met back in the living room and watched Player Select for the rest of the night. 

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