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A week after we brought Madpat home with us, we realized we could actually trust him like we trust Natemare. But something did seem off today....


Everything has been just fine until today. I think Anti has figured out that I'm gone. A fire rages inside me as I realize that his curse still reins over me, causing me to not be myself. I looked in the mirror of the guest bedroom of (y/n)'s house. My eyes glowed a bright red and my reflection glitched. An Irish voice stung my memory as I found myself locked in thought, deep into conversation with Antisepticeye. 

Anti- So you thought you could get away with leaving?

Me- I never wanted to follow you in the first place. 

Anti- And? You're my creation! You must follow me! 

Me- But I'm not like you! I'm not evil.

Anti- Then I'll make you evil.

My eyes burned and my head was spinning. I grabbed my head, crying out even though I knew no one could hear me but Anti. After a minute, the pain faded. I stood back up, but my good side didn't have control. The curse did. I watched from my soul as my eyes glowed dark red. 

Anti- That's much better. Now, bring me Matthew Patrick. 

No no no no no! I can't! He's gonna kill him! But I couldn't convince the curse to turn back. He went to Mat and acted as normal as ever. 

"Mat, could you come help me get my stuff from my hiding spot please? It won't take too long."

" Sure. You can drive since you know where it is." He said, getting up and tossing Curse the keys. Waving to (y/n), we left and Curse drove to an abandoned junk lot. He led Mat to a broken down shed. 

"Wow. You must have been desperate to leave." Mat said, following Curse to the shed. There was a bag on the floor inside and once Mat entered the shed, Curse shut and locked the door on the outside. 

"Hey uh.. I think the door got locked." Mat said, hitting his fist on the wood. 

"It did. Because he locked it." I watched as Anti appeared behind him, 9mm pistol in his hand. 

" I uh... Whatcha got there..?" He said, trying to keep calm. 

"Don't do it!" I tried to yell, only to get the echo shot back at me as a horrible ringing in my ears. Wait. I have an idea. Within the soul, my eyes glowed white. I hear Natemare's voice iny head.

NM- Mad, where are you? 

Me- Old lot down the road. Anti force the curse to take over my body and it led Mat to certain death. Anti has a 9mm and said if Mat doesn't bring Will to him by this evening, he'll kill them both. 

NM- Say no more. We're on the way.

Time passed and I hear a car revving up the road. A minute later, the gang comes running into the lot, weapons in hand. Behind them is the Winston Salem PD, ready for extreme action. They swarmed the shed, guns and knives raised. An officer yelled with a loud voice. 

"WINSTON SALEM PD! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! COME OUT AND GET ON THE GROUND!" Anti stepped out with his hands up in fake surrender. The moment he came out, he flicked everyone off. Then he pointed the gun towards the shed door and Mat was pushed out by Darkiplier. Then Anti realized he really was surrounded. 

"How does this always happen to me? Whatever. Its him or Will." The PD grabbed Dark, leaving the gang to fight alone since it took the whole police force to hold Dark down. Anti moved right I. front of Will and grabbed at his throat but was shoved off my (y/n) tackling him. Once she got up, Anti held his shoulder to see blood. she had stabbed him with the dagger and he retreated into the woods. The PD took Dark with them and my curse was broken. We went back to the house to recover and check Mat for wounds.

You're My Trinity (DAGames x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz