Once In A Lifetime

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Just a little reminder before the chapter: Chloe Eves WAS Will's gf and fiance before something happened and they broke up. IDK what it was but i'm just gonna remind y'all that CHLOE. IS. NOT. ACTUALLY. A. JERK. it's just for the story. We square? we'd better be. :/ JK Love Y'all!!! NOW ON TO THE CHAPTER!!!

***CHLOE P.O.V.***

I was trying to move Chris's setup stuff out of the backstage doorway a bit so that people can actually walk through there when I heard Will talking to someone. I listened for a minute then looked through the door. 

" If he turned on you like that, he doesn't deserve what you have for the world. If he can't accept that you're the way you are, he's missing out on a opportunity of a lifetime."

What is he doing? Whatever. I try to shake it off, telling myself that it's just someone that needs emotional support. But still, I can't help a surge of jealousy that flows within me. I keep listening.

" Chance's are, he will never find someone as nice as you again and when he realizes it,he is gonna kick himself  for not taking you for the way you are."

Aww Will. You're so sweet. I'm sure she appreciated that. But still, I watched. They stared at each other for a hot minute before looking away. Will blushed a dark red. 

Seeing him with her made me finally make up my mind on what I was going to do. For a long time, I debated on whether or not I should break up with him. I was losing feelings fast, but I didn't know what to say. I walked off and waited in the backstage lounge area.

***(Y/N) P.O.V.*** 

Will and I returned to the stage and before I went to find my friends, he pulled me into a tight hug. I blushed hard, hiding my face with my hair so he wouldn't see. We let go and he handed me a paper.

" Text me anytime. If you need me, I'm always here." He said. I took his number and gave him mine, then I felt eyes on me as someone watched from the doorway. She saw me and ducked out of sight. Huh. Weird. I thought. It looked like Chloe, but I wasn't 100% sure. 

" Also." Will snapped me out of my thought. " I could use some help on stage."

" What kind of help? Mics? Soundcheck?" 

" I wanted to know if you would sing with me." He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. 

" Oop- Did not see that coming." I said, looking at the floor before meeting his gaze again. " You know what? Sure! Why not? I mean, it's not like everyday you get to meet the person you idolize intensely and he asks you to perform with him at his concert."

" So I'm your idol huh?" He smirked, crossing his arms. 

" Always have been, and always will be." I said. Will's phone went off in a text. 

" Yeet my butt buzzed." He realized what he said and busted out laughing. I did the same, laughing until I got dizzy. 

" Welp Chloe needs me. I'll see you later, and I'll call you onto stage okay?"

I nodded and went off to find my friends. 

***WILL P.O.V.***

I went backstage to where Chloe told me to meet her. I didn't feel the same as I used to around her. I feel like we are losing interest in each other. She walks in through the other door and stands in front of me. 

" Hey uh... I need to talk to you." She said, I'm guessing unsure on what to say. 

" What's up?" I asked.

" I know I shouldn't do this before you perform, but I can't go on any longer. I think we should call it done." 

I nodded. " I actually kinda felt the same way. I just didn't want to hurt you. 

" And I saw you with that other girl. It made me come to the conclusion that I've been looking for for a while." She said and swear she looked jealous of (y/n). 

" Wait." I said. " She made you decide to break up with me? How?" 

"I don't know... I guess I'm just... protective..." She started to get defensive. 

" Protective? Of what?" I stuffed my hands in my pockets and shifted my weight. 

" ..Of you..." 

" Protective of me? I can take care of myself. (y/n) needed someone to talk to and I was there to help her." I tried to keep calm.

" You know what Will, maybe I'm jealous because we haven't clicked like that in a long time Okay?!" She yelled. 

" Whoa! Chill Chloe!" I put my hands up in defense. She slammed me into the wall, digging her nails into my shoulders. 

" You messed up piece of crap. I don't know why anyone would like you. I know I was blind before but the only thing important in your life is your stupid monster energy and your stupid little friend!" 

" You think I'm stupid? You should see yourself!" I hear a voice behind us. I look over Chloe's shoulder to see (y/n) standing in the doorway with her phone out. " Let him go and maybe I'll reconsider showing this video to security." She waved her phone in the air.

" I'm sorry hunny. But he's needed some sense beaten into him for a while now. Being his fiance, I didn't want to be the one to do it, but whatever. I'm done with him." She said before aiming to punch me in the stomach. 

" Oh really? Then how about I just take this to the annex manager?" (y/n) asked, acting like she was leaving the room. 

" YOU KNOW WHAT?!? FINE!" Chloe yelled before storming off. 

" Whoa. Thanks. I never knew you could be like that." I rubbed the back of my neck and felt my face heating up.

" Heh. There's a lot you don't know about me. I heard her yelling and came to see what was going on. You helped me, so it was my turn to help you." She smiled and showed me the video.

Why do I love her this much? I thought. We just met.

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