A/n: THANK YOU!!!!!!

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Without y'all support I wouldn't be writing this amazing story right now!!! I would've trashed it but holy crap!!! Thank you to Minegirl44 and Americahamburger50 for the outgoing support!!!!! As of right now my story only has 19 chapters, but 262 reads and 24 votes! Holy-

Hah. Gotcha! You thought I was gonna say S***! But NOPE!

Sorry guys I'm just really excited! Thank you all soooo much!

I was just chillin' ya know, just playin' some PubG and I looked at my notifications and saw I had 5 emails. Little did I know that 4 of them were from Wattpad, so I just jump on to check and I see this awesomeness! * Takes a breath and calms down*

But seriously thank you to all who have supported me and stuck through my time of being off since I took Left Behind down. ( That will be back up sometime but idk when won't be for a while tho) I thought my stories couldn't get any better than that one but this has surpassed Left Behind in a shorter amount of time! So I guess you can say that story has been left behind and gone to the dust! Thanks to you, my brothers ( and sisters) in arms, I have reached my first goal of 200 reads. Now that my Escape Room story is completely unfixable, I have taken it down because it wasn't going anywhere, so I just sent it to the scooping room to be mangled. But You're My Trinity is going all the way! ( Sorry about the song puns! *not*)

Thank you all so SO much for reading and I will see y'all in the next chapter! PEACE OUT!!! 


You're My Trinity (DAGames x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora