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Indigo is just.........EVERYTHING! Im so proud of Chris😢❤️👏🏽 from beginning to the very end. Dear God makes me want to cry. Girl of my Dreams...omg! Natural Disaster, Trust Issues, All I Want.....omg omg omg! I can't wait for this tour ☺️

Chapter Fortythree
Mya's House - Two Days Before Thanksgiving

It's been a week since everything happened and Mya has barely come out her room. As the days go by it's as if she's getting worse instead of feeling better. It felt like she was slowly slipping into depression.

And what makes it worse is that the whole world has found out about them splitting, thanks to Diamond and Yasmine. They recorded the damaged Mya caused and sent it to different blogs.

Most women took her side and there has been a lot of hate towards the two proud side chicks but then there's people who think she's crazy and over reacted. With Mya being pregnant the mean comments hurt more than they normally do and since the videos of this incident was released, her sister's lawyer is trying to use this as evidence of Mya being violent.

All she wants to do is hide.

Her alarm on her phone went off indicating that it was time for her prenatal vitamins. Groaning she climbed out of bed and went to grab the pills her mom set out for her then headed downstairs for something to drink.

Nobody was there but her dad.

After grabbing a cup of water she went and sat next to him on the couch as he watched last nights game.

"Well hello there." He said.

"Hello." Mya responded before taking her medicine.

"Didn't expect you to come sit down with me. You've been confined to that room for a week. That's not healthy Mya."

"It's just been too much going on."

"Yeah It has but you never let the bad times bring you down."

"But how much am I supposed to take? Every time I look around something bad is happening to me. It feels like I have the worst luck lately."

"Life isn't all flowers and rainbows Mya. Shit happens. I've always taught you and your siblings to keep your head up even while fighting the toughest battles. Hiding or keeping your head down just shows the enemy that they've won. Don't do that."

Mya relaxed back onto the couch, trying to fight the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I know you're hurt." Sam said. "You expected Chris to be different with you. I think we all did but he's a damaged man with a long road of healing ahead of him."

"I wish I didn't love him as much as I did. I'm pissed at him and he hurt me so badly but I want to call and check up on him for some odd reason, like he's the one that was hurt. I hate it but I miss him. But I know I have to be strong and not let my feelings take over the dignity and respect I'm supposed to have or that'll just cause me to be back in his arms and he'll never learn that he can't treat the person you love like shit."

"It is hard to be cold hearted towards somebody that you love. But it has be done."


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