The results

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*Back in your dorm you play some music to ease the tension. You all sit on the couch whilst the camera person recorded it all.*
Hyejin: I'm going to die. I did so bad.
Minji: You did amazing.
Y/N: It doesn't matter how good or bad you did. No matter what there are areas to improve.
Gunwoo: Like what?
Y/N: Well when I was training at SM Entertainment they focused on my dance and vocals. After they were "perfect" they got me to start practising my rapping.
Gunwoo: What happened if you were good at them all. Either debut or made to learn a language.
Minji: Did you learn a language?
Y/N: No. Can any of you speak another language?
Gunwoo: I can speak Japanese.
Hyejin: I know a bit of English.
Minji: I know Chinese and a bit of English.
Y/N: I know English and a bit of Japanese. Gunwoo how did you learn Japanese? And Minji how did you learn Chinese?
Gunwoo: I learned Japanese as my dad was Japanese and my mum is Korean.
Minji: Well I'm Chinese.
Top4: I didn't know that.
Hyejin: Y/N how did you learn English?
Y/N: My mum's family is Korean but she was born in London and she lived there for years. Then one time when she eighteen she went to Korea to meet her family and one day she went out and bumped into my dad.
Minji: How long have we got left?
*You look at your phone.*
Y/N: 45 Mins.
Gunwoo: What do you think is going to happen if we don't pass.
Hyejin: What happens if we're not part of Top4 any more?
Y/N: No matter what happens you will all be my friends. *You all hug each other. Suddenly the camera person gives you something. You take it and read it.*
Y/N: A challenge? *The camera nods.* Do you all want a challenge?
Top4: Yeah!
Y/N: Go on. *The Camera person gives you a box. You have to read off the screen.*
Y/N: So here we have a box.
Minji: I thought it was a circle.
Y/N: Ok Minji no need to be mean. Anyway, inside this box is a variety of questions that we have to answer. We put our hand in and pull one out.
Hyejin: Maknae to the oldest.
Minji: You're only saying that because you are the Maknae and you want to go first.
Gunwoo: What's the order?
Y/N: You, Minji, me and then Hyejin. Go on Hyejin, your first.
Hyejin: Ok. *She puts her hand in then screams.* Hahahahaha. You all looked so scared.
Minji: Come on pull one out. *Hyejin pulls one out and reads it in her head. She then puts it back in and pulls another one out.*
Top4: Hey that's cheating!
Hyejin: It's not if you've not got evidence.
Y/N: The camera. *You point at the camera.*
Hyejin: Oh. You saw nothing. Anyway, who is the mist well-rounded member in Top4?
Top4: That's a tough one.
Hyejin: I would say Minji.
Minji: *Giggly.* Why me?
Hyejin: Well your good at singing, rapping and dancing. I wouldn't pick the others as we all excel in a specific area where you're really good in all aspects.
Minji: Ok, Y/N it's your go.
Y/N: Ok. *You put your hand in the box and pulls a question out.* Who were your first friends at YG Entertainment?
Minji: I know this.
Y/N: My first friend was and still is Haeun.
Minji: Do you want to tell us who Haeun introduced you to?
Y/N: No. *Hyejin and Gunwoo start laughing.*
Minji: Thanks.
*You continue to play the game until you had to leave.*
Y/N: It's time to leave.
Minji: I don't want to know how terrible I did.
Gunwoo: You did amazing.
Y/N: Come on don't worry. *You hug her and she starts to cry.* Minji what's wrong.
Minji: My parents always told me that I wasn't going to be anything and that I should give up on my dreams. Getting this far and now a test that we didn't know anything about is too stressful.
Y/N: Has any of your friends said this to you?
Minji: No.
Y/N: That's because they know you're going to debut. Your parents just don't want you getting hurt by the pain of getting far and then not getting anywhere.
Minji: You think so?
Y/N: I know so. *You wipe away her tears.* Are you ready? *She nods her head and then you all go into the room. Jungho intimately stairs at you all.*
Jungho: I'm glad you all made it on time. Lisa, would you like to tell Gunwoo about what you thought?
Lisa: Gunwoo, we could tell you worked very hard on ddu-du ddu-du and we liked that you added your own twist as well as mixing my style in there. For your solo, you need to pronounce your words a bit clearer at times especially when it's fast. Overall you did great.
*Gunwoo nods his head and says thanks to Lisa.*
Jungho: Rosé.
Rosé: Minji, I can tell that you took my advice and worked on it but I think they still need to be improved. Overall you did great too.
*Minji smiles and bows thanking Rosé.*
Jungho: Jennie.
Jennie: Hyejin. You didn't work on many of the things that I suggested; however, I noticed that you worked a lot in other things such as the little details that make a big difference. I liked it, continue to develop and work on the little things.
*Hyejin bows and nods.*
Jungho: Finally Jisoo.
Jisoo: Y/N. We noticed that you improved very well with ddu-du ddu-du. You created an atmosphere with your stage presence. With your solo, I noticed that you worked on the things I told you and more. With it, you went up and beyond. You did amazingly well done.
*You bow and thank Jisoo.*
Jungho: I would like to add a few things. Overall, you all performed your solos well. To improve you all need to add your own style into ddu-du ddu-du. *You all nod taking note on how to improve.*
BlackPink: You all did amazing.
Jungho: This test was just to see how well you have developed after changing training. You all can have the day off now.
Top4: Thank you. *With that, you all left the room and headed your own locations.*

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