Months later

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*Months after the first test, hours of practice and hard work went into Top4 being able to debut. The only problem holding you back now is to see if you are worthy enough to debut. So far your fandom has grown massively with fans from all around the world. You've had a mission to explore your past and enjoy time with your family. You go to Hongdae to meet your parents. You've been there for half a week enjoying the break and allowing the fans to get to know you better.*
Mum: Y/N come on its time for tea.
Y/N: What are we having?
Mum: Kimchi.
Y/N: Kimchi! *You head over to help your Mum.* Do you want any help?
Mum: You can set the table.
Y/N: Ok. Do you remember the last time I had kimchi with you?
Mum: I do.
Y/N: Do you want to tell them or do you want me to?
Mum: You can.
Y/N: I told my parents that I wanted to start training for S.M. Entertainment... Then everything went quiet.
Mum: *Bringing the food over to the table.* Tell them what happened later.
Y/N: My dad when absolutely mad. *Your mum looks at you.* He didn't want me to waste four years in university on nothing.
Mum: Now my boy has grown into a big man ready to debut. *She pinches your cheek and you smile.* Your still a baby at times.
Y/N: I know. *You waddle over to the table to push your mum's chair in. Then sit down on your own chair.* Let's eat. *You started to eat.*
Mum: Are you enjoying that?
Y/N: I'm loving it. I wish dad could be here.
Mum: Well he's in a better place. He would be so proud of how far you've come. You've always made us proud ever since you were a child.
Y/N: Really?
Mum: Of course.
Time skip. Next day.
Mum: Y/N come on you've got to get packing you've got to go tomorrow.
Y/N: Mum, I've done most of it. I need something to put the stuff in that people got me.
Mum: You didn't get much, they should fit in your case.
Y/N: I don't want them to get damaged.
Mum: You have to be extra don't you?
Y/N: I've always been extra.
Mum: You have.
Y/N: Mum when am I meeting Uncle Jae-Jins's children?
Mum: mi na and mi sun?
Y/N: Yeah, how old are they now? Five?
Mum: Yeah. They're coming over soon. They're looking forward to seeing you.
Y/N: Really?
Mum: Yeah.
Y/N: They won't remember me.
Mum: They don't but Jae-Jin says they always watch you on T.V and want to go to YG to meet you.
Y/N: Awe that's cute. *You mum comes over and starts showing you pictures of them.* Awe they look just like you in your baby photos.
Mum: They do don't they Jae-Jin's wife tells me that all the time.
Y/N: Mum, I'm going to go out and get them a present.
Mum: Well be quick because they won't belong.
Y/N: Ok I'll be back soon. *You kiss your mum on the cheek.* See you later Mum. Love you.
Mum: Love you too. Bye. *You wave goodbye and start walking to the shops.*
Cameraperson: What are you thinking of getting them?
Y/N: I was thinking of getting them a teddy or something. Let's see what they have when we get there.
Cameraperson: When was the last time you saw your cousins?
Y/N: It sounds bad, but it was when they were born. I was in my second year of university and I came back because my uncle's wife was having twins and that was the first and last time I saw them. I stayed abroad for University that's why I don't meet them.
Cameraperson: Where did you study?
Y/N: Australia. I made a lot of friends there. But here we are at the shop. *You walk around the shop and find the two perfect teddies.*


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Y/N: They will love these

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Y/N: They will love these. Look how cute they are. *You continue to look around the store and get them some little bits and bobs. You walk home and outside you notice an unfamiliar car.*

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