The Two Most Oblivious Dudes In The Galaxy

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No sooner had he fallen asleep, then he was awoken by the faintest light on the horizon hitting his face, and knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep again, he grumbled all the way down to the ground.

He looked up at the blue daze still flying over them and headed into the forest.
A few minutes later he came back with not-poisonous and very healthy raspberries, placed them on slices of bread and left them on plates on the tree trunk.

The sun was slowly rising, so he decided - since the prince was still sleeping - he'd take a bath in the river next to them. After leaving his clothes near the river bank, he sunk into the freezing - but managable - water, rubbing the soap all over his body and on his back, where a huge abstract, permanent scar lingered in.

Keith woke up in the early morning as the sun penetrated the thin canvas of his tent. He squeezed his eyes shut against the bright light, yawned, and sat up. The hard forest floor was definitely less comfortable than his own bed, but it wasn't too bad.

He yawned again and tried to brush down his hair, make himself at least the slightest bit presentable before pulling on his shoes and crawling out of his tent. Luckily, Lance hadn't seen that.
Where was the boy anyway? Had something happened to him?

Keith as just starting to panic a little when the splashing of water behind him made him turn around.

Oh god.
He was shirtless. He was naked. Keith desperately tried to turn back around, but to no avail.

Lance's body was.. enchanting. So muscular and tan and smooth and tall, a large scar cut across his back, but it didn't make him any less gorgeous.
He was lucky Lance's lower half was covered by the wild water, because he couldn't have handled seeing that.

His eyes finally managed to rip loose from the hunter and he turned around, flushing bright red. Don't look. Hopefully Lance hadn't seen that. God, that would be embarrassing. The crown Prince staring at the naked body of one of his servants? Definitely nót appropriate.

He sat down on the fallen tree and noticed Lance had made him breakfast. Good. He grabbed one of the plates and ate. The fresh sweetness of some sort of berry engulved his senses and he hummed softly.
Just don't look around until Lance is dressed again. Don't. No matter how big the temptation...

By the time the tanned boy had washed and dried his body he was trembling violently. God, that water was cold, yet very refreshing. He dressed quickly when he noticed the prince was already awake and having breakfast, and walked to him still trying to dry his hair.

"Good morning, your highness. Didn't expect you to get up so early," he said truthfully and saved the soap and towel on his bag before sitting next to him, slightly closer than the night before but still keeping a conservative distance. He took his breakfast and started eating, glancing at the prince sideways with concern.

"Are you okay? You're red." He pointed out with a raised eyebrow, oblivious of Keith's previous peeking. Perhaps too much sun, or a fever? It could be a cold caught in the cold night, as well.

Oh shit. Lance's comment just made his cheeks flush even redder, but he turned his face away. At least Lance hadn't seen him staring. "I'm fine," he snapped, a little harsher than he'd meant.

God, Lance was close. It made him nervous. The last bite of his breakfast disappeared into his mouth and he swallowed. "I always get up early," he spoke coldly. "It is a habit of mine. I assume nothing happened during the night?"

He took a large gulp of water, and then handed his flask to Lance. "Fetch some new water from the river for me."
Wait, did Lance mind being ordered? He hoped not. Keith liked doing things himself, but he was still royalty. He could order Lance to do anything, technically. Getting water wasn't unreasonable. It would be weird for Keith to do that himself, unprince-like.

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