Chapter 3 - Goodness and Tourney

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Penny woke up early and slowly began to regret staying up until one in the morning

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Penny woke up early and slowly began to regret staying up until one in the morning. She sighed as she rolled out of bed and climbed into the shower. After drying herself off, she changed into her dress and continued to get ready. When she finally looked presentable, she grabbed her satchel and made her way downstairs and to the cafeteria for breakfast. She had gotten her food and was now sitting at a table alone, reading a book. That is, until, a tray was put down on her right. She looked up to see Mal smiling down at her. "Hey Penny. Mind if we sit here?" "No, not at all." Evie sat on the other side of Penny, and the boys sat across from the three girls.

"If we have time, can you quickly point us to our first class?" Evie asked as they all began to eat.

"Yeah, sure. Can I take a look at your schedules?" They all gave her their schedules and Penny quickly studied them.

"Carlos, Mal, we have first period together. Evie, your class is across from us and Jay, yours is a few doors down. After that, Jay and Carlos, I can take you to your next class and girls, we have second together. Then we all meet up and have Remedial Goodness 101." "Wait, why do you have it?" Carlos asked the brunette.

"Fairy Godmother asked me to be her student aid since I had two free periods, so I agreed."

Everyone nodded and she gave them their schedules back. When they all finished eating, Penny began to lead them out of the cafeteria, causing everyone to stare. "Don't the stares bother you?" Carlos asked as he caught up to the brunette. "They used to when I first moved here, but then I realized, I shouldn't be wasting my time on those who think I'm too childish." Penny just kept surprising the VKs.

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It was now third period and they were all in Remedial Goodness class. Mal and Evie sat in one table, Carlos and Jay sat in the table next to theirs, and they sat in the middle row. Penny sat in the last desk behind the girls as she began to get started on some of the homework they were given. She's been paying attention to their answers and Mal was the only one getting them correct.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you A) Curse it B) Lock it away in a tower C) Give it a bottle or D) Carve its heart out?" Fairy Godmother had asked. By now, Penny had finished her homework, so she decided to look up at the VKs. She saw Evie put her hand up and she had some hope for the daughter of the Evil Queen.

"What was the second one again?"

Penny sighed and Fairy Godmother called on Mal.

"C) Give it a bottle."

"Correct again."

"You are on fire, girl," Carlos praised his friend. "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Mal told her friends, and they all understood. The door had opened and Penny noticed that it was Jane. Jane had squeaked as she quickly passed the VKs, and Mal seemed to focus on the girl. "Hello, dear one," Fairy Godmother greeted her daughter. "Hi. You need to sign an early dismissal form for the coronation," Jane told her mother as she looked back at the four students, fear in her eyes. "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" Fairy Godmother asked as she grabbed the clipboard.

"Mom, no!"

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone."

Fairy Godmother quickly signed the forms and she sent Jane on her way. "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me. As you were." She squeaked again as she passed them, but quickly sent a wave over to Penny.  Penny quickly nodded and she watched as Jane left the classroom as fast as possible. Penny sighed and shook her head while Fairy Godmother continued on with the lesson.

"Let's continue. You find a vile of poison, do you A) put it in the King's wine, B) paint it on an apple, or C) hand it over to the proper authorities?" Jay, Carlos, and Evie all shot their hands up, but Jay quickly put Carlos' hand down. "Jay." "C) Give it to the proper authorities," Jay answered with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I was gonna say that!" Carlos whined.

"Aww, but I said it first."

The two began to wrestle and Jay had quickly pinned Carlos onto the table, making Penny chuckle.

"Boys. Boys! I encourage you to use that energy out on the tourney field," Fairy Godmother told them, stopping them from fighting any longer. "Oh, no, that's okay. Whatever it is, we'll pass," Jay told her as he let go of Carlos and the boy got up and sat back down in his seat.

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Penny sat down on the bleachers and put her things down. She spotted Jay and Carlos, the two boys spotted her, and they made their way over. "Penny? What are you doing here?" Jay asked. "I love the sport, and since I trained to fight pirates, I can easily play it, but there's a rule: no girls on the team. So, I usually come to watch Ben practice, and I decided to cheer you guys on since you're both trying out for the team." Carlos felt himself go red. He didn't want to make a fool out of himself in front of Penny, the only girl who has given him attention at Auradon, besides Mal and Evie. "Oh. Great - great," he stuttered. Penny gave him a reassuring smile and Jay clapped his hand on Carlos' back.

The coach had blown the whistle and he noticed Carlos in the kill zone. "Hey, kid! Get out of the kill zone!" Carlos ran toward the rest of the team and try outs started. Jay was doing amazing, even though he was breaking some of the rules. He would quickly pass the players, or he would tackle them.

Penny was thankful that she wasn't on the team, but she had a feeling that Jay wouldn't hurt her.

That feeling left, however, when Carlos had ducked as Jay ran toward his friend. Jay then hopped over him and headed toward the goalie, who ran away in fear. The coach called him over and Penny held her breath. "What do you call that? I call that raw talent. Find me later, I want to show you something you've never seen before. It's called a rule book."

The coach then turned to Carlos.

"Ever thought of joining band?"

"I'll work with him, coach."

Ben and Penny shared a look and Penny nodded.

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