Chapter 8 - The Date

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Penny was running around, trying to find two people

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Penny was running around, trying to find two people. She turned a corner when she ran into someone else. "Hey, watch it!" They both yelled. When they looked up, they laughed. "Sorry, Mal." "Me too." "Ben/Carlos asked me out on a date. What?" They were both shocked at what the other had said. "Carlos finally asked you out on a date?" "Yeah - what do you mean by finally?" "Nothing, except for that fact that he talks about you 24/7." Penny blushed and she lightly chuckled. "So Ben asked you out too?" "Yeah, now let's go find Evie." Penny nodded and the two linked arms before running around again.

They finally found her outside.

She was sitting on a table, talking to Doug. "There you are," said Mal. "We have an emergency." "What's the emergency?" "Carlos asked Penny out on a date and Ben asked me out on. . . A date." Evie gave Doug and look and he only smiled at her. "Go ahead. We'll catch up later."

Evie smiled at him and she linked her arms with Mal and Penny and they all made their way to the girls' dormitories. The three girls were all in Mal and Evie's room, Evie was preparing them for their dates. Mal had already did Penny's hair in a beautiful braid, and Evie did her makeup.

Penny wanted to surprise them in her dress, so she went to go change in the bathroom. The girl let out a nervous breath. "So. How do I look?" The two girls looked up and Mal's jaw dropped while Evie gasped. "You look. . . Wow. In the best possible way, you look like you're from Neverland."

"Yeah, I have to agree with Evie, here. You look beautiful, Penn. And you know I mean it because I only compliment you and Evie."

"I know, thank you."

Penny hugged the two and she began to fix Mal's hair while Evie applied makeup on Mal. "Not too much blush. I don't want to scare him away - even if I could." "Please. My mother taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upper strokes."

"Yes, ma'am."

Mal and Evie chuckled at Penny and Mal smiled at them. "Thanks, guys. My mom was never really big on makeup tips. I never had a sister." "Well, now you have two." Penny smiled over at Evie, and she returned it. "Trust me, we need all the family we can get to pull this off." "Guys, relax. It's just a date," Penny tried to calm them down, but she didn't know what thet were really talking about. The two VKs just nodded and they soon finished. "Okay, c'mon Mal." Mal grabbed onto their hands and they led her over to the mirror.

"Wow. I look. . ."

"Say it."

"Not hideous."

"Not even close," Penny told her.

There was a knock on the door and the two girls went to go open it. They saw Ben and Carlos on the other side of the door and they both were shocked. "For the first time in my life, I now know the difference between pretty and beautiful," Ben told Mal.

"You both look amazing," said Carlos. The two girls smiled at them and Carlos reached his hand over. Penny took it and he pulled her toward him. "I hope you like bikes," Ben told Mal. The four walked together downstairs and they were about to part ways when Ben stopped them.

"Carlos. I just want you to know that if you ever hurt Penny, who's like a sister to me, then I will be personally sending you back to the Isle."

"I won't. And if you ever hurt Mal, then you have to deal with not only Penny and I, but Jay and Evie too, because she's our sister."

Ben chuckled and nodded.

"Boys," the girls said in unison.

They then both hugged before they went their separate ways.

"So, what are we doing for our date?" Penny asked the boy. "You'll see. It's a bit of a hike, though." "I don't mind." The two smiled at one another and Carlos grabbed hold of Penny's hand. "You really look beautiful." "Thank you. You look handsome." Carlos blushed before he thanked his date. They finally made it up a hill and Penny noticed a picnic basket with a classic checkered blanket, and they were facing the sea. "Oh, Carlos." "I had Ben help me with the food, he packed everything in there, so I have no idea what's in there. And I found this hill one day when I was walking Dude."

"Carlos, calm down. This is perfect."

"I just wanted to impress you because, well, you're a princess and I'm. . . Me."

Penny frowned and took hold of Carlos. "Technically, I'm not a princess. The princess of Neverland? Sure. My dad and I, though, we don't have an royal blood. My mom didn't either. And Carlos, why do you put yourself down? Do you know what I see when I look at you?"

"A villain?"

"No. I see someone who's misunderstood. I see a boy that wants to change for the better, but will still have part Isle because those are your roots. I see a new best friend. I see a sweet boy. And I see the boy that I'm falling for." At that, Carlos looked up from the floor and into Penny's eyes.

Penny noticed that he began to blush and she chuckled.


"You're cute. And I love your freckles."

Carlos chuckled and he looked at Penny with admiration. "Do you want to know what I see when I look at you?" Penny hummed and nodded.

"I see a girl who is not afraid to be herself.  I see a girl that is kind to everyone, but is also extremely fierce. I see someone that didn't judge me or my friends. I see a girl that can act like a princess, but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. I see someone that became family to my friends. I see a new best friend. I see the girl that I'm falling for."

Penny smiled at him and Carlos smiled down at the small girl. The two slowly leaned in and with a nod from Penny, Carlos closed the gap and his lips met hers. The two then pulled away after a few seconds and just smiled at one another.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


The two sat down and shared stories as they ate what Ben had packed for them, which happened to be Penny's favorite foods and of course, chocolate. "Tell me about Neverland." The two were now laying down, it was now evening and the stars were slowly coming out. "Oh, it's beautiful, it really is. And I miss it every day. There are a few places that are pretty dangerous, but most of it is beautiful. I can take you there one day." "I would love that." Penny smiled at him and Carlos kissed her forehead. Penny smiled and leaned her head on Carlos' shoulder.

Then something had hit Carlos as hard as a bag full of bricks. He and his friends are stealing the wand and soon, villains will be taking over Auradon. He looked down at the girl next to him and he mentally cursed himself.

I can't do this to her.

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