/9/ Falling In love Again

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Adi's POV

    I drove as fast as I could to Y/N'S house. It took me 10 minutes but I had finally arrived. She wasn't outside as far as I could see. I walked in and heard sobbing coming from upstairs. 

  I opened a door that lead into her bedroom and I saw her crying and looking at her phone as her knees were up to her chest. 

  I walked over to her and hugged her. She cried onto my shoulder. I lifted her up onto my lap and she put her arms around my neck and cried. 

  I kissed the top of her head and said, “ It's alright Y/N whatever is going on I’m sure in some shape or form it can be fixed. 

  She looked me in the eyes and said," I know I shouldn't make such a huge deal out of this because he isn't mine, but I saw Caylus making out with Emily." I was shocked and I called her knowing she was drunk but I wanted to see if this was true.

Emily - Hey baby what do you need? 

   I heard kissing and I started crying figuring it was true.

Adi - Are you with Caylus? 

Emily - Yeah we are kind of in the middle of something right now so bye love you. 

  I was shaking, my own girlfriend with one of my best friends, and my cousin wants to date my best friend but it's so hurtful. Tears burned my eyes.

 Y/N hugged me and said," I need to be with someone who loves me as well.”


   My heart was broken. I called Jason because he was kind of thoughtful of my feelings and he would try and make me feel better. Adi was now going home, because he wanted to talk with Emily. 

Jason - Hello?

  Jason was home from the bar now and I could tell he was no longer drunk. 

Y/N - Jason, Caylus made out with Emily so Adi is going home right now and I had a huge amount of feelings for him but he broke my heart, can you please come over. 

Jason - Sure thing Y/N, but I can punch Caylus if you want. 

Y/N - No Jason that's quite alright *chuckles* 

  Jason hung up and I looked at Twitter and found Caylus posted something. 

  I just feel terrible I have fallen in love with a girl who has a broken heart because of me she has fallen apart and now I'm heart broken. Y/N if you're reading this I love you and I'm sorry. 

  I didn't even care I was so done. I threw my phone on the floor and stopped my crying Jason opened my door to my room and ran up and hugged me. He looked at me with lust in his eyes. 

   My body, brain, and heart just went for it and we kissed. I wanted it to feel like hours but it lasted a few minutes.

Caylus's pov

   I got in my car and drove to her house, I needed to tell her that I love her. I need to tell her that I have a lot of feelings for her, that I was just drunk and stupid. 

  I arrived at her place and Jason's car was there. I looked inside to see if I could see anybody and I couldn't so I went into her house and looked around downstairs and she wasn't their so I walked upstairs and saw what I thought I would never see. 

  Jason and Y/N were kissing, my heart stopped...


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