/18/ Funeral

547 13 9

/3 months later/

Y/N'S pov

    I got dressed in a black sweater and black leggings. Getting dressed I wiped away a tear. I grabbed my black combat boots and put them on. Caylus kissed me and hugged me. I kissed his lips crying and said," I miss Jason, Caylus." He nodded and shed a few years before saying," We all do Y/N." I sighed and walked downstairs.

  This house has been so silent these past few months without his rage and his humor. I even miss his awful laugh. I walked over to the couch and laid down Adi's lap. He looked at me and I cried and said," Adi I miss him, I miss his voice, I just miss him and no one seems as depressed as me. I feel like I am overreacting." He hugged me tightly and said," Listen Y/N, everyone takes things differently. You were apparently really close to Jason so it hit you harder, as it did Caylus." I nodded and walked outside.

   I walked over to wall and started punching it. It was all my fault, I went on a date with Caylus and it killed him. I started screaming taking out my sadness and anger out with punching the wall and screaming.  

   Tal walked over to me and pulled me away from the wall that was filled with blood. He hugged me tightly and said," Y/N what the hell are you doing?" I began to cry and he pulled me closer to him and combed through my hair and said," It's okay Y/N I'm not mad, but why would you do that?" I stopped crying and said," It was my fault." I broke the hug and threw my fist at the wall one last time before Tal carried me to inside.

   I walked away from Tal with my bloody knuckles. Caylus came down the stairs and saw the blood dripping. He ran to me and said," Y/N what did you do to yourself?" I shook my head and said," I'm so depressed right now and you would understand if you actually knew me. He kissed my sweet spot on my neck. It made me moan slightly, in front of everyone. He than said," Y/N I know you so well. You have no idea how much I love and care for you." I nodded.

   I walked into the bathroom and opened the door. I went and grabbed bandages and gave them to Caylus. He wrapped my knuckles up and than kissed my lips. We tangled our fingers together and went to Jason's funeral.

  I cried throughout the whole ceremony. Caylus was as well as the rest of the group, I gave Jason at least 20 flowers and hugged his casket. Caylus hugged me tightly and I cried into his shirt. He kissed my head and we all walked away and I went into Caylus's car and he held my hand tightly.

  All the sudden he began making out with me. He bit my lip and I let his tongue slip into my mouth. His tongue fought and won for dominance. He started taking off my shirt, and than there was a knock on the window. I looked over and it was Tal and he yelled," NO BABIES YET!!" I chuckled and sighed and said," Fine." Caylus looked at me and said," Hey laughing is good change of pace than crying. I nodded and we kissed one last time before going home.


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