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Y/N'S pov

  I laid against the wall holding my head. Caylus hugged me and asked," Everything alright baby?" I lifted my head up and gave him my phone and began to cry.

Caylus's pov

I looked at her phone hoping that is what I was supposed to do and I saw a message from her mother.

Mom - Y/N you are awful! Why didn't you tell me you were dating someone?!?!?

Y/N - I didn't tell you because you never wanted me to date someone since you left dad. You have never ever been supportive of me. So that's why I didn't tell you. I barely tell anyone because I have trust issues. Hell I barely tell you how I saw my cousins for the second time in my whole life. I hate you mom.

Mom - Well you were a mistake. I never left your father! He left me... He died in a car accident. I never told you because you would freak out. I loved your father dearly.i hate you too. You made my life a living hell. You killed your father.

Y/N - Fuck You.

Mom - Go kill yourself.

My body went numb when I read the last message. I didn't notice Y/N left my side. I noticed the downstairs bathroom was closed and I opened it and Anthony was in there. I ran out and ran upstairs to our room. Y/N had been crying on my bed. I walked over to her and blood was on her arm and all over the bed.

I began to cry and I grabbed her bridal style and set her down in a chair. I grabbed toilet paper and water and held it on her cut. I kissed her lips but she didn't kiss back. She started to pass out. I quickly grabbed bandages and wrapped it around her arm. I yelled," Tal Adi!" Tal and Adi ran into my room and Tal quickly grabbed Y/N and set her in the car. I sat next to her and laid her head on my lap.

Adi and Tal began whispering, but I couldn't tell what they were saying because I was too focused on her and I checked her heartbeat every 5 minutes.

Tal stopped the car, and that's when I noticed I didn't strap myself in, I only strapped Y/N in. I flew and hit my face on the dashboard. I could tell someone was moving by me. I quickly began to lose blood because something had impaled me and I didn't know what it was. I than passed out.

Tal's pov

The front of the gotten smashed, and the amount of impact made Adi smash his head against the airbag. My airbag deflated, and I noticed Caylus wasn't buckled and he flew right into the dashboard. I was scared for his life and I quickly looked back to see Y/N shuffling around, she was buckled in and was okay thank god.

I set Caylus in the backseat. Y/N opened her eyes a little bit and she screamed seeing Caylus's face all bloody along with his stomach. She began to cry and said," Caylus baby please stay alive. I love you so much, I need you babe." I held her hand and said," Don't worry the ambulance should be here soon." She nodded and cried.

I heard sirens and someone opened my car door. I got out and fell to the ground in agony. Adi got out on a stretcher as did Caylus. Y/N and I got checked out by the paramedics and then they drove us out to the hospital for Adi and Caylus.

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