/26/ Therapy

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Y/N'S pov

I kissed Caylus's cheek as I was headed to the car. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in and kissed my lips and asked," Baby can I drive you?" I smiled and nodded. I tossed him the keys and sat in the passenger seat.

We drove for about 20 minutes. We were 10 minutes early.

I walked out of the car as did Caylus. I was a little surprised, but not too surprised that he walked in with me. We clasped our hands together and walked inside.  It was 2:50, and I walked over to the desk with Caylus.

There was an Elderly women behind the counter and she asked," When was your appointment scheduled?" I looked at Caylus and he shrugged his shoulders at the old ladie's actions.

I replied nicely not letting her see my anger, so I didn't have to go back to the crazy house," 3-4:30."

She looked over and answered back," Sit over there." We nodded and sat down.

I whispered into Caylus's ear," What a bitch."

He snickered while saying," Yes." I smiled. He kissed my cheek and held my hand tightly showing he was worried. I rubbed his thumb symbolizing it was going to be okay.

Caylus had worry in his eyes. He always did when it came to this kind of stuff.

I heard a door close and someone say," Y/N L/N?" I walked and Caylus followed behind me. The therapist smiled and looked at Caylus and said," Sir this is a closed appointment, you may not come in, because the patient has not told me who you are, she also has to give permission." I smiled at my therapist.

I looked at the therapist and said,"Sorry Carl this is Caylus my boyfriend. He has helped me through a lot. He may come and go as he pleases." Carl nodded and walked into the room where I would tell him all that is going on.

My body shook when I sat down on the old chair. It brought back memories,  and not good ones.

Caylus sat down next to me and held my hand tightly, showing his worry. My therapist scoffed and then he began his session.

He asked," So Y/N, what has been bothering you lately that you feel you have to visit me again?" My body tingled and I could feel tears start to drop out of my eyes.

Caylus was beginning to talk," Well... Y/N has been hav- my therapist began to talk again," Sir, I'm sorry but this is my client she needs to be able to talk for herself. I understand that she is your girlfriend, but if you interfere I would rather you not be in here." Caylus nodded.

I began to talk," One of my roommates, his name was Jason, him and I were best friends. In fact he brought me and Caylus together. He uhm... well he recently had died, because I was kidnapped. He had gotten shot and he had survived it, but then he died during surgery when they were taking out the bullet. It hit me hard and I just feel like it is all my fault."

My therapist nodded and he replied," Y/N, you see I think it might have to do what happened years ago with your sister. I know I shouldn't bring this up, but I feel like it has to do with that. Listen, this wasn't your fault, it was the kidnappers. If the kidnappers hadn't kidnapped you none of this would have happened." I nodded.

I felt tears running down my face. I then said," I guess I only have a few minutes left of this session, but I want to start taking some medications again." He nodded and replied," I can prescribe your anxiety and depression medication until I know more, okay?"

I nodded and shook his hand and thanked him. Caylus shook his hand and we clasped our hands together. I went up to the desk and setup another appointment and made sure my therapist sent the prescriptions to my medication pick up place.

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