/23/ Hospitalized

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Y/N'S pov

I was pacing back and forth. I hoped that Adi and Caylus were all right. I was itching my arms probably screwing with the slits on my wrist. Tal came by and he hugged me and said," Y/N everything will be okay, I promise you." I nodded and began to sob. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Caylus his face had multiple stitches and I was scared for a split second, but on instinct I immediately hugged him. I than said," Caylus this made me so scared, never do this to me again. I love you so, so much. You are honestly my everything." He smiled and nodded and I gave him a kiss on the lips and he groaned in pain.

I hugged him one last time knowing it still kind of hurt him.

We waited a few hours for Adi.The doctor came out and said," Alright, so we need to keep him here for a few more days just to do some more test runs and see if he can walk with crutches or walk with a boot, well he will have a larger boot on so he can walk with it, but it would be better if he had stayed off his foot." We all nodded and followed the doctor into the Adi's room. He was laying on the hospital bed and sleeping. His phone was ringing and I grabbed it quickly to see Emily was calling so I answered.

Emily - Hey Adi, I thought we were going to hangout today. Where were you?

Me - Emily its me, Y/N.

Emily - Why did you answer Y/N? That is completely rude.

Me - Emily, Adi is in the hospital. I think he would really like it if he saw you when he awoke.

Emily - WHAT!?!?!?!?

Me - Just please Emily.

Emily - I'll be there in 20. Bye.

She hung up immediately. I hugged Adi and he moved around a little bit. I held Caylus's hand and he laced his fingers with mine. I fluffed his hair and he smiled. I sat down in the chair and Caylus asked me," Why did you hurt yourself?" I looked at him and than looked at my wrist to see a few scabs starting to show. I than said," My mother was my ride or die and she had taught me than she would never be happy if I dated someone.  She told me she would be furious with me, because she thinks all men will turn out just like my father did. I said I never would when I was 15 because everyone was stupid. I always thought that men were like that until I met my cousins when I was 17. I never saw them until I met you and I never talk to my mother because she was mean and awful." He kissed my lips even though it hurt him an said," I am so sorry babe. In a couple weeks you want meet my parents?" I nodded my head and smiled.

Emily walked into the room and ran towards Adi. She kissed his face all over and hugged him tightly. I than whispered in Emily's ear," Okay we are all going home, if Adi wakes up just call us." she nodded and we all went home. 

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