/28/ Christmas Day

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Y/N's pov

Caylus shook me awake after I had just fallen asleep. I groaned not wanted to get up, but then he said these words," Baby, it's time to get up, its Christmas." I shot up immediately.

Christmas was the only time of year my parents wouldn't yell at me or anything would go wrong. Christmas was the only day that had made me happy, until I met Caylus.

I ran down the stairs and sat on the floor next to the tree, giving everyone their presents. Finally, the only presents left were for me.

I opened Adi's present first and it was a brand new camera, so I could start posting again. I hugged him and thanked him.

Tal grabbed his present from behind the couch and gave it to me. I unwrapped it, only to see what looked like my old electric guitar. I would always perform a random piece I created on Holidays, because it made me feel special. I teared up that he remembered and gave him a squishy hug while thanking him.

Finally it was Caylus's turn to hand over a present. I looked to see no gift under the tree and everyone looked at him in slight surprise. He smiled and he went upstairs. I was really confused now.

He grabbed my hand and told me to put shoes on, so I grabbed my slippers quickly.

As soon as I got my shoes on, Caylus took me outside. In LA it doesn't snow a lot, but it was snowing. My heart was filled with wonder as I danced around in the snow. Caylus was laughing and I was as happy as I ever thought I could be.

Then Caylus stopped me and he smiled and said," Hey... Y/N I want to talk to you." Shit that I want to talk shit always messes me up; My parents divorce,me getting kicked out, depression, anxiety, suicide, etc. I was getting nervous by each second he hadn't spoken.

Finally after what felt like an hour Caylus had finally said," Y/N, you are the best girl I have ever been with." Oh shit, he's breaking up with me. "You have made me feel so happy." Oh my god, I'm not gonna ever live with myself after this one. How the hell did I even screw up? "I just cant even believe I'm with you." Welp... im a gonner...  "I love you Y/N, you mean the world to me, now and forever. So I want to ask you something... will you be my now and forever?" He was down on one knee in front of me. I can't believe it... Caylus wants to marry me... me!

I screamed," YES!" At the top of my lungs and cried. I smiled with such joy and glee. This will be my forever and this will be my happy ever after.

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