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Jason's POV

   I heard a creek in the stairs and I broke our kiss and Caylus stood on the steps. He shook his head and left the house quietly. Y/N had moved me slightly and ran towards Caylus. Fuck." I mumbled to myself.


   I ran towards caylus not knowing what was going on through my head. my heart hurts so bad from what he had done to me. I had no idea what he was doing in my house but I feel like I had to talk to him. He will hate me forever if I don't tell him how I still feel.

   Caylus!"I yelled. He look back and said," what do you want from me?" "I want you Caylus even if I end up with someone else I will always love you. I know I shouldn't have kissed Jason but it was because I really needed him and we got caught in the moment I'm so sorry Caylus." I said starting to cry.

  He hugged me and whispered into my ear," I will always love you too Y/N, you are so amazing I came here to tell you that I loved you. I know I screwed up too, so lets call it even?" I nodded my head and he smiled.

   He hugged me one last time and said," Let's hang tomorrow, but just as friends I have a lot to process." I nodded my head. I smiled and Jason hugged me from behind. He kissed the top of my head and I smiled. As Caylus drove away I finally felt happy but I knew it wasn't going to be for long.

Caylus's pov

  My head was throbbing from what I just went through. I need her I always need her. I stopped for just a moment just to think. I texted Adi but he probably was never going to answer me considering what I had done with his girlfriend.

Caylus - Adi, I am so sorry for the way I acted I know I shouldn't have but I just got so drunk and I couldn't help it your girlfriend so beautiful I felt like I need someone too. Y/N and I talk through everything and we apologize to each other. again I'm so sorry and I understand if you want to kick me out of the house and you don't want me in your life anymore. I will leave if you really want me too.

   I cried a little everyone's going to hate me for what I did and they are going to kill me and Jason's probably going to hurt me pretty bad.

  I made a group chat because I didn't know what to do I wanted to make sure everybody knew that I was sorry I even added Y/N.

Caylus - hey everyone I'm sorry I did that to everybody I really am I really like Y/N she's such an amazing person I just got too drunk and it didn't turn out okay I apologize to her and she's in this group now so I hope everyone reads this and everyone actually answers.

Tal - what you did to her was awful but since you actually apologized to her and she said it was okay I feel like I can go off on you a little bit once you come back to the house but I'll let you off the hook or small bit.

Caylus - thank you so much taller that means a lot now I just hope Adi texts back soon.

Jason - We are good for now but I need to ask you something in private and if you agree you are fully off the hook.

Caylus - oh alright I suppose.

*Goes into private chat*

Caylus - all right now what did you want to ask me Jason?

Jason - can I ask her out a kind of falling in love with her and I just don't want to make the mistake that you made.

Caylus - oh... I mean sure I guess but just please don't do anything that you or anyone would ever regret please. I still love her I don't want you to screw up and ruin your chances with a women you love.

Jason - Thank you! I won't.

  I started driving again and got a text from Adi, once I arrived home.

Adi - Emily and I broke up.

  I walked into the house and Tal saw me and got a little angry. I nod my head and knock on the door to Adi's room.

  He opened his door his eyes were all red and puffy. I hugged him and he started crying. I closed the door with my leg, and I said," Hey man I am so sorry, you know I am. You know I would never do anything to hurt you or your life at all." He nodded his head in agreement.

  He cried and said," I miss her so much she was the love of my life." I nodded my head and said," I know I shouldn't say this but if you still love each other and she was drunk I feel like you should give it another try, Y/N and Jason are gonna go on a date and I can't go and it is so frick'n hard for me to be happy but I have to try. If she finds someone else you have to try and be happy for her too." He nodded his head.

  I walked out of his room and laid in bed and tried so hard to fall asleep but I miss Y/N so much.

Caylus - Y/N I have something I have been needing to ask you

Y/N - Yes Caylus?

Caylus - ...



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