Chapter 12 - Jimila

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I am just done with dinner after which I go through my economics book a bit but I am not able to concentrate today. And I very well know the reason. I should sleep now, I decide before which I bring out my diary from the drawer and capture every single detail of today. This time I don't note down my stereotypical thoughts about love anymore as I write about them teasing me, rather I feel something magical happening within me. A little feeling, which is a little bit strong. 
After I'm done with it, I put it back lie down on my bed turning off the lights though Emi's still downstairs. I again log into my FB account, I'm having a strong feeling that he might have texted me and when I do so, I just can't believe my intuition was just right. He messaged me. *Hello*

*Hi*  I immediately reply since he's online.

*What are you doing?*   The next message reads.

*Lying on bed, trying to sleep. You?*   I add the laughing emoji.

*Same*  He adds the same emojis.

*I think this laughing emoji is gonna be our trademark*  I again use them.

*Why do you think so*  He uses them. God! We laugh so much and the smile on my face is the proof.

*We laugh so much!*  Not to mention, the emoji is still there.

*Ohh*  And same is with him.

*You know, I have an idea.*

*What is it?*  He asks.

*After college, if we fail to get any job, then we both will jointly open a laughter club. 50% share for both.*  I add at least five laughing emojis.

*What? And why so?*  The emojis are still there.

*See, we are laughing so much. We'll definitely make profit*  I add our trademark emoji.

*Silly girl*  Did he just say that? I wonder if it's a compliment or what, but I really liked it.



*I wanna ask you something*


*Why don't you talk much in college?*  I manage to type somehow. I wonder what'll he say.

*IDK*   As expected, his robotic reply.

*Okay. Why don't you talk to girls?*

*IDK*   Well, this was also expected.

*You chat with whom except me? I mean girls.*  Oh no! Did I just sent him this! Shit! I shouldn't be that much straight.

*You're the first one*  His reply just gave me cold creeps. God, is he serious! That means Emi was right. But... Indeed a Robo. Yet I can't deny that I'm kind of happy hearing this as my lips curves into a wide smile.


*Yes*  He replies.

*But why don't you then talk to others?*  I finally decide to ask.

*I don't know. It's just I don't feel like.*

*You should.*


*Simply. You should.*  I can't think of any proper reason.

*Oohh*  He replies with laughing emojis. *Okay, Good night.*

*Good night*  I wish back. Soon after he goes offline and me too.

After so long, there's a certain kind of peace I'm feeling. Something which words can't explain. Something I can only feel, just feel. 

.  .  .

Waking up in the morning, I don't know why I have a different interest for going to college as if something really special is there. I never felt such before. To be precise, the past few days, I have been feeling many different things I haven't felt before. I know, I know, I use the word Feel so many times. You see, there's a certain emotion in this word which can only be felt and I guess every feeling does not demand an explanation. And here it goes, did I just again use the word? 

At college, Jim comes and sits beside me as usual but the atmosphere between us is different today which words are not enough to express. There are blushing smiles wrapped in our serene eyes playing hide and seek with fear of getting caught. No wonder how many times my eyes meets with his, wanting to say something. Though I don't have enough words to express them but I know my eyes succeeded to let him know which his eyes assures me with the sunshine smile on his face. But how? This strange connection! We both stayed silent all through the class without saying a single word to each other. It will be a lie if I say that I didn't try and I feel he tried too but we both failed. It's weird that we were so friendly last night, chatting over facebook, yet the scenario is whole different today. We are sitting together but unable to find any proper word to carry on our conversation. Whatever be it, I'm liking it this way. Today I am not able to centralize in the class, even a bit and first lecture passes like this. The next one is just after a while before which most of the students go out of the class and I get up from my seat to go near my girl gang when all on a sudden Sam comes running near me, my pencil box in his hand, "Eila, what's this?"

"What?" I question astonishingly.

" What is written here? Jim +Jolly", he gushes looking at my face. And I am confused like hell. When I looked at that ..God! How's this possible! It's actually written Jim+Jolly. I remember it's a brand for toys. Shit, I didn't notice it at all. "Believe me Sam. I really did not notice this."

"I know. I know. So this is the case with you both." He starts teasing with others joining him.

"What case! Sam shut up", I say wanting to suppress it since I know he is gonna make a huge blunder over this matter and as expected he goes near Keith, Tacker as others to give them a proper look at it. And eventually it spread in the whole class with all giving a shocking  as well as teasy reaction. Then Sam along with Keith and Tacker goes near Jim who's standing near his seat, checking his phone. After they show him the sticker, he... he's smiling! To be precise, this is somewhat like blushing. Though I'm blushing too and we both are trying hard to suppress it.
"But guys, something's wrong", Keith says.

"What?" All ask him.

" It should've been written as Jim+ Eila".

" Yeah", and all agree with him.

"Jim and Eila.. Their name sounds nice together", Sam gushes, "Jim Eila... Jimila. Guys, what about Jimila?" Sam says excitedly while Jim and I are just shocked. We both, standing at two corners of the class just blankly stare at each other with the blushing. 

"Jimila sounds great. And their name matches so well. Right?" Rochelle exclaims and all supports her after which they all tease us together uttering, "Jimila".

"See. God wants you to be together. That's why this amazing coincidence", Sarah exclaims. 

"Have you gone mad?" My voice is not that stern. I'm sure they all just lost their minds. While they are laughing and rejoicing over the same, Jim and I are just standing like mannequins amidst this crowd, watching over others and their imbecile acts. 

"Come on. This is Virginia and Virginia is for lovers dude. everything's possible", Sam exclaims spreading his arms. Friends are indeed weird! But it's also true that, life is incomplete without them. When all remain busy in tattling and teasing us over the same, Winnie interrupts advising all to go back to their seats as teacher's about to come. I immediately nod with her willing to avoid their tattles. Eventually Mrs.Kate comes and we all go back to our seats. Right now the ether between Jim and me is so fiddly yet funny at the same time. I am unable to figure out, if I should say or do something or not. Impotent to come to a conclusion, I decided to concentrate on class and let this college hour pass somehow because inwardly I am getting too edgy as I'm sitting beside him.

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