Chapter 34 - What Is He up to?

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As we reached Morsville Stowe State Airport, the heavy rush of passengers getting down begins again. Sam already got down while I see Winnie going. Now it's my turn to bring out my bag from the overhead compartment but before I can do so Jim's hand reaches there first and he smiles at me holding my bag. The image of last time flashed in my mind when in the plane we shared our first intense kiss. Moments pass only memories remain left which give birth to a whole eternity. 

"You're blushing!", Jim teases me. Actually I am! As the memories flushed in my mind I can't help blushing remembering the scene. Life's indeed weird. Who knew that this time the same us, in the same place yet the situation is whole different now. Life's indeed unpredictable! He's still staring at me which makes me blush even harder. I try to avoid his gaze but he somehow manages to catch. The temperature is rising rapidly which is literally burning my cheeks. This boy is really weird. But admit it or not, I wanna relive that moment again. I wanna kiss him. As he keeps staring at him holding my bag I approach near him and slowly pass a kiss on his lips while he remains in shock at my action.

"We're getting late", somehow I manage to say and immediately head towards the exit while he follows me. Thanks God! I am turning normal now. Without wasting much time in the airport after collecting our baggages we ride on the bus already booked before. This time also I sit with Jim. For the first 5 mins both of us remained silent wondering what to say. Suddenly I remember to open my bag and bring out the gift Droophy uncle gave me. "What's in it?" Jim asks.

"I don't know. Droophy uncle gave this. Let's open it now". I gush. He helps me unwrapping it and when it's done I am absolutely amused to see the beautiful handmade clay clock Droophy uncle made for me which also has my name carved on it. "This one is way too beautiful", Jim gushes. 

"I know. I must thanks him for this." Immediately I bring out my phone and pass a thank you message to Droophy uncle since I have his number saved in my phone. He replies the very next moment,

*My pleasure. By the way, have you reached Stowe?* 

*Yeah. We are on the bus now heading for the resort.* I reply.

*OKay. Take care.* I keep my phone back in my bag.

"Hey. What's this?" Emi asks from beside our seat. I hand her the clay clock carefully so that this doesn't fall. "This one is really beautiful! Where did you get this? Did Jim gave you. Huh?" She teases and Tacker joins her who's sitting beside her.

Before I can say Jim starts,"Unfortunately. I didn't. It's Droophy uncle." 

"I see", Emi says,"But Eila I must say that wherever you go, you manage to win everyone's heart".

I give a fiddly smile. I don't really know what to say since I don't think so. I believe every single person we meet in our life leaves an impression of their own.

 Emi passes the clock to Sarah and one by one everyone sees this. "My girlfriend is really amazing!" Jim compliments suddenly.

"And why do you think that Mr.D'Cruz?" I realize this is the first time I called him by his surname. 'D'Cruz'.. this is a familiar name.. Jonan D'Cruz.. I wonder why suddenly I remember the past incidents. I try to drive away the thoughts from my mind since I don't wanna spoil my moment with him . Moreover, he has no connection with that. 

"You called me that?" He grins,"Well Miss.D'Souza, there's are millions of reasons to explain this", okay. So, now he's calling me by my surname.

"Are we playing surname surname?" I laugh out hard while he joins me. "Jim's better I guess".

"And Eila's best I guess", he gushes.

Amidst this sweet banter of ours we reach the resort. As I get down the bus I see it's actually huge! This completely wooden resort is gonna be our stay house for the next 2 days. Getting hold of our baggages we head inside where the manager gives us a heartly welcome. The whole resort is woodenly craved at places, the ceiling have more of an antique touch while the tiles reflect modernity. It's afternoon now so we all quickly head to our assigned rooms to freshen up and get down for lunch. I am sharing room with Emi and this time Winnie went with Rochelle. The fact that Winnie loves Jim is only known to Emi and Sam apart from me and Jim. I must say it's much cold here in Stowe, luckily no snowfall since how hiking would have been halted in that case. But there's no denial that I love when it snows. I quickly freshen up and text Jim if he's ready or not since Mr.Paul told us to directly head to the steak house for lunch after we freshen up. Emi comes out the washroom,"Let's go now. I'm really hungry."

"Me too", my stomach is literally growling now. I can't wait anymore. I wait for Jim's text as I go to the steak house with Emi yet Jim's still not replying. Sam, Rochelle, Keith, Sarah, Tacker, Winnie have already reached there along with other students. I guess we are the only one to come late. Teachers are sitting at a corner having a chit-chat. Finally Jim arrives and .... he didn't come near me. I mean he directly went to Sam passing by my side. This is not something I expected from him also, this isn't his natural way of behaving. He didn't even reply to my message. Jim says something to him , I wonder what. I guess, it's something of their personal matter. If he finds it necessary to let me know, he'll surely tell me. After almost 5 mins he comes and sit beside me to have lunch. I must say this Chicken burrito bowl with rice and beans served with protein salad is indeed the best I tasted far. But weird he's not saying anything. In fact he's not even looking at me. What's wrong? 


"Yeah", now finally he turns.

"No nothing", I realize I have actually nothing to say. I wanna ask him why he didn't reply my text but I feel shortage of words to explain this. He's seeming indifferent now. Is everything alright? And here it goes, he again stops. He's indeed a Robo. What's up to him? Is he deliberately behaving such to irritate me! 

After lunch is over, without wasting even a second he goes out. He didn't even say bye to me or anything. Is he angry with me? But I didn't do anything. I go near Emi since I thought we'll directly head to our room together but Emi gets a message. She looks at me for a while to which I wonder now, what's wrong with her! "I need to go", Emi says and before I can ask as to where she vanishes. Only God knows what they are upto. I'm really very tired. I wanna sleep for a while and so I head to my room and lie down to sleep but before that I check my phone to see if there's any text text from Jim. Unfortunately No. I finally decide to call him to know where he is. The phone rings but he does not pick up, also, Emi's not back yet. Normally Jim never behaves such. I don't know why he's acting like this now. I'm not liking this feeling as if he's hiding something from me. He didn't even talk to me properly. I don't think that I did something which will offend him yet why is he ignoring me all on a sudden. I just can't stop this running thoughts in my mind for which I close my eyes attempting to sleep for a while.

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