Chapter 70 - Breaking The Boundaries (II)

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I already reached college and I must say last night I couldn't sleep even for a bit. I tried to text her over Facebook but couldn't gather the courage and now I am just waiting for Eila to arrive. It's been almost time for class but Eila didn't come yet and nor did Emi. After almost 5 minutes Mrs. Kate enters and now I get it, Eila is not coming even today. I'll go to her place after this lecture is over and so I wait for this session to end.

Finally! I take hold of my bag and immediately run out of the classroom and soon out of college to take the bus. Finally, I reach in front of her home. My leg is shivering. I wonder how to face her, what will I say to her. I know I'm gonna go numb but I hate to do it. I walk in front and ring the bell but no one is opening the door. Weird! Is no one at home? I ring the bell again for a few times but all go unanswered and now I'm sure everyone has gone out. But where? I bring out my phone to call Eila. The phone rings and finally, I am finding some hope. It was switched off since last night but now it's on. But my call goes unanswered. I try again for 4-5 times but she doesn't answer. I hope she's alright. I wonder why I am feeling so restless now. I decide to wait for a while and see if they arrive or not. 

It's been more than an hour I have been sitting on the bench beside her house. No one has come yet. All of a sudden I get a call and it's from Sam. I pick it up when he asks me to come home as there's some urgent work. I think I should go now. Getting up from the bench I walk till the bus stand and take the bus to reach back home. 

After going back I find Mom and Sam sitting inside the cafe discussing some important matter and as I approach near Mom immediately gets up to hug me. There is a broad smile on her face. "What happened?" I ask.

"We got the confirmation letter", she exclaims.

"Regarding what?" I am confused.

"You forgot? You applied for land on lease in Boston to open a branch of our cafe. We got the confirmation for the same", as soon as she says I go numb. Like really! I can't believe it! I immediately take hold of the letter from Sam's hand and see it's actually true. My dream has come true. Finally, I'll be opening the branch in Boston. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now.

"Your Dad must be proud of you", Mom caresses my head and I hug her. I had this meeting with them almost 3 months back and I thought they are gonna reject me but I was wrong. They sent this confirmation letter today. Eila will be so happy to know this. I wonder when I'll be able to tell this to her. I can't wait anymore.

.   .   .

It's 9 at night. I again call Eila and Emi answers. "Hello", is what she says and I got to know this is not Eila since the voice is different.

"Hello. Can give the phone to Eila?" 

"Why?" Emi says in a pissed off voice. I think she's really pissed with me.

"I want to talk to her", I explain.

"About what?"

"Emi please, give her the phone", I request.

"But she's sleeping". Sleeping? She never sleeps so early.

"I need to talk to her", I say again.

"I'm sorry. She's really tired and sick so...", Emi stops in midway.

"Sick? Why? What happened?" Now I'm getting tensed.

"Nothing. She's sleeping. I'll tell her that you called once she wakes up. Bye", Emi cuts the call without even letting me speak. I'm sure something is wrong and now I can't resist myself from meeting her. 

Before going I inform Mom and I'm glad that she understood. After almost 20 minutes I reach but I'm not sure if I should enter through the door. I guess they all know what happened between us and they might not allow me to meet her. So I decided to climb her window. I walk backward and the window to her room is open. Thank God! But the light is off. So does this mean she's actually asleep or sick? I can't wait any longer to climb the pipe and see her. But for the next few moments, I don't move. I just standstill. My mind is racing, humming, and continuously buzzing. I am reminiscing all our past moments, how I met her, how chats, the days in Boston, the proposal, the whole tour, that winter night when we were stuck in that house, every single thing. Also, how my fragile yet bold girl came to meet me at night climbing the pipes which make me laugh a bit. I also remember what happened the past few days, all were wrong and now it's time to fix. I let out a breathe and finally start climbing the pipe. There are not many grooves in it which is making this difficult to climb but I don't stop. I have to get going. Finally, I reach near her window shield and make myself stand properly on the horizontal wall beneath the window. 

Eila's bed is just near the window and I can clearly see her now. She's sleeping. It feels like I'm seeing her after a whole eternity. This feeling is too precious to express in words. I am lost in her. Luckily Emi is not in the room and I slowly jump into the room and walk past the window couch and reach near her. I don't touch her, I want to but I don't. My hands are shivering. I feel I have no right to touch her after how I behaved. I don't want to wake her up right now, I'll just sit by her for few moments watching her sleep and then go and I do the same. I sit on the side of her bed as I see her sleeping in this dim light. Unable to resist me I caress her hair and slowly kiss her temple but as I do I feel she moves. I immediately release but it's too late since she opens her eyes and looks at me. As soon as her eyes fall on me she tries to get up hastily.

(Don't go, don't go. 
It's a quadruple update again. 4 chaps together. Check the next three fasttt.
And yeah, I'll realllyyy realllyyyy love to know your views.)

Till The EndNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ