Chapter 40 - Hiking

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I decided to let go of all the things I faced last night. My past was just a past and I don't wanna think of them anymore. I know the relation between a father and daughter is the most special one. Actually it's something I just only heard of. I never got to know what it actually means to have father's love. People says every girl wants their partner to be someone just like her father but I.. I don't want any man to be like him. I don't want anyone to suffer those what I went through. Dad is suffering the consequence of his deeds now and there is nothing I can do about this. I don't wanna be superficial and forgive him judging by his present condition since what he did before demands more than chastising.

 It's nearly 8 in the morning and we will head out for Mount Hunger by 9:30 today. Luckily this year it's not snowing much. At least not here and so we are able to carry on with this trip. But as far as I have known this trail is gonna be quite strenuous. I hope we can manage up there safe and sound. 

.  .  .

Finally we reached Mounter Hunger which took an hour from our resort. Currently we all are dressed in warm clothes since it's winter on top of which we opted for lightweight waterproof jacket and trousers supported by hiking boots, warm wicking socks, a woolen beanie hate and warm gloves along with poles. We already have a guide who'll be accompanying us all through the trail. He's a middle aged brown haired man with stubble beard with a slight grey shade appearing on them. His name is Collin and he is accompanied by his assistant who is much younger than him. He's name is Jack and he seems kind of our age. The highlighting part is his pair of blue eyes. 

"I think it's gonna be funnn", I stress the last word.

"It indeed seems fun", Jim gushes standing beside me.

"So what are we waiting for. Let's start the hike. But before that I wanna hand over the map to you all. You will form group each consisting of two", without any doubt me and Jim are in the same group while Emi and Tacker, Sarah and Keith, Winnie and Rochelle teamed up together. Others too formed their own tiny group. Handing each group a map Collin says,"The mileage is 4.4 miles and the feet duration will take approximately 4 hours. We'll hike Mount Hunger via the waterbury trail. You all will follow my lead."

It's been almost half an hour we are climbing the trail. It was slightly muddy at the bottom but getting icy towards the top. The temperature is falling at this point.

"Are you okay?" Jim asks with concern visible on his face.

"I am okay", I say thought the tiredness is discernible on my face. Thought it's been just half an hour but climbing this trail is not easy at all. We already have crampons attached with out hiking boots which makes it's easy for ice climbing. I wonder what'll be the view when we'll reach the top!

.  .  .

"Wowwww!" After a rather steep climb we are rewarded with impressive mountainous views including the new Hampshire presidential range. I must say this looks more beautiful than I imagined. It feels like we are standing amidst the clouds. The top is rocky but covered with snow. Main mentioning part is we can get a 360° view of all the mountains around. Even the mount Mansfield and Camels Hump is seen from here. 

"The view is just incredible!" Jim gushes.

"Indeed", I can't agree more. 

"We did it", Emi shouts and we hear the echo of her voice. This is the first thing you do when you climb a mountain right? WIthout giving a second thought we all join her, "We did it!" The echo comes more loud with a mixture of voices in it which earns a grin of us all.

"Anyone wanna do skiing?" Jack offers which I gladly accepts since I learned it when I was 15. Now I can't wait any longer to do that again.

"I will", I raise my hand.

"Are you sure?" Jim asks me with an amused face.

"Of course. You wanna join?"

"Actually I can't do this. I mean, I never did it before", he replies fiddly.

"Come on. You can do this", and I hold his hands taking him to make an attempt. Changing our hiking boots to ski ones we start skiing. Though he was having difficulty at the beginning but he catches up and yeah we all are skiing in this ice, together. 

"Isn't this fun?", I ask as we both are holding hands.

"I must say it is", he smiles.

After a lapse of almost 1 hour it's time to get down. 

"Look guys. Getting down is not easy. I suggest you all change to your hiking boots and all have crampons attached right? Cause it'll be the most useful thing now. Also get hold of your poles since you'll need this", Collin advises and we do as said.

It took more than an hour to get down which was not easy at all. Getting down was more difficult than climbing up. 

"I hope you had fun",Jack says to Rochelle. I wonder what's brewing between them since I have been noticing they both bonded quite well by now and Jack was constantly flirting with Rochelle all while.

"I actually had fun", Rochelle blushes. 

"Yeah yeah. We can see that", Sarah teases her and we join until Collin starts," So, this hiking comes to an end. I hope you all enjoyed this trip."

"We certainly did", Mr.Lee gladly smiles. While I notice Rochelle and Jack are exchanging phone numbers! They are quite fast I should say. Though this isn't the end since Collin and jack are accompanying us the rest of the tour as our guide.

.  .  .

It's been an hour we reached our resort. On the way we stopped by Lake Champlain Chocolates which is famous for its handcrafted chocolates. Jim and I brought some handmade truffles while Emi opted for raspberries. It's nearly evening and I heard this time is best for having a walk by the river or explore the local crafts and cuisine. I immediately called Jim to know what's his plan and we both agreed to explore the local crafts and cuisine though I don't know about others. I mean what's their plan and all. 

"Eila', Emi comes, "We decided to visit Stowe Craft Beverage Trail. You wanna join?" So they planned exactly like us!

"You know. Jim and I planned the same. By the way all are coming?"

"Not all. Our group actually", so it's us only. I guess others have their own plans.

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