Chapter 67 - Changes

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Eila's POV :

I am feeling heavy. As I slowly open my eyes, I find I'm at the infirmary of our university. "Are you feeling better?" The lady doctor questions. I try to sit while Emi helps me. "Yeah", I reply upon placing my palm on my head. "You should go home and take rest", the doctor leaves after saying so while Sam and Emi stays with me.

"What happened?" Emi questions and I remember what all happened at the terrace. "How did you faint?" Sam asks. As soon as the memories thrive into me I hug Emi as tight as I can. I vent out all my tears without having any trace of what to do next. "What happened? Tell me", she asks repeatedly but I am failing to come up with words. Everything's over!

"Jim hates me. He hates me", I say again and the mere thought is killing me from inside. 

"What are you saying?" Sam questions.

"He hates me", I cry my eyes out.

"Why would he hate you? What happened?" Emi asks but I have no answer. I just bawl. "I want to go home", I try to get up as Emi helps me. "Tell me".

"I want to go home".

Jim's POV :

I don't know how to tell Mom about this. She'll be all broken. I can't tell her now. I stand by the window. The northern wind is changing its direction now just like we changed our paths. For a bit I am again deluged in her thoughts. Her smile, her blush, her non stop talks everything is making me fall weak and guilty but the next moment my mind diverts to Dad, my childhood, which is breaking me from inside. Now it feels I am a single soul divided into two. 

"Jim", I hear someone calling my name from behind ad I turn to see it's Sam. "What's wrong between you and Eila?" He question immediately as he approaches near.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Just answer me damn it!" What's wrong with him?

"First tell me why?" I ask.

"She fainted and when asked what happened she just cried saying you hate her", my eyes face the ground. 

"Is she alright?" I ask still avoiding my eyes.

"What do you think?" 

I turn around. So Winnie told her everything! "She's fine right?" I ask again since I remember yesterday she was supposed to get her reports.

"If you care so much then why were you not picking her calls? What happened between you both?" Sam comes near. This time I face him and tell every single detail of what happened yesterday. I can notice his face turning dull and so does mine.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" He questions. "You told Jennifer?"

"No. I don't know how to do that", I turn aside. I can't tell Mom about this.

"But do you really think Eila is at fault?" His question is pricking my heart so hard.

"I don't know", I say but yet I feel I'm wrong. She not the one to be blamed here but still I can't control what I'm doing. A single soul now divided into two!

"Will you never talk to her again?" This question again pricks hard. The mere thought is enough to escalate my heart rate. 

"I don't know", I really don't know what will happen next. I feel lost.

"You come to college tomorrow?"

"Maybe. I can't stay at home like this. Mom will doubt".

Eila's POV :

I keep lying on her bed while my eyes just peek out the window bringing every single memory of ours. Everything reminds me of him. Be it the cotton candy clouds, the sight of any sea, christmas, the sky, the shooting stars, snowfall, this cold winter, the breezy wind of early spring, ferries wheel, roses, balloons. Everything! Now I realize that was not just a coincidence when the sea water washed our names away. That was an indication for what was about to happen next. Our life again turned around to the Merry-go-round. This was we are distant, we are apart also our path will never cross. Everything changed and every change is reminding me of me. My whole body is marked by his touch and now I don't wanna live anymore. I hate myself for being David's daughter. Jim is not at fault. He is right in what he's doing but how can I live without him! How can I live knowing that he hates me now! I cry again squeezing my pillow. I can't control anymore. I can't.

"Eila. Eila, what's wrong?" Auntie and Emi comes near to sit beside me. I sit up to hug her and bawl. "Tell me baby", Auntie wipes my tears. This time I tell her everything. Every single detail of what happened and what I got to know. This time she cries too. "No baby. No. Don't cry", she again wipes my tears.

"He hates me now".

"No he doesn't", Auntie says but I know this is the truth and I have to accept it. "He does. He does", she caresses my head. "You need to rest. You not well. Please don't cry. Everything will be fine", Auntie keeps caressing my head while I compose myself. I can't make them worry because of me. I somehow try to seem normal and wipe my tears saying, "I'm fine. I'm alright". I try to force a smile and get up from bed. "I just wanna sleep for a while", I request. I need some time alone. 

"Okay", auntie gets up and takes Emi out with her closing the door. I lie on bed covering myself with the blanket. Getting hold of my phone I log into my facebook account to see if he's active or not. As I check I find he's not online. This again adds a glitch to my already broken heart. I start reading our previous chats. Those gossips are making me blush with a clear sign of melancholy on my phiz. I feel I still couldn't digest the fact that he's no more by my side. I feel this is just a bad dream which will pass eventually and things will get back to normal when its morning. He can't hate me. My mind still believes he can never hate me, he loves me even now. But things are different, our path are different. Actually I don't know I'm happy or sad. I guess I'm both. I'm glad he's not not with me anymore since this togetherness is not gonna last and I'm gonna die. I'm happy he'll get to start his life again. But still, I miss him

(Don't go. There are more two next. It's a triple update. So you r liking it? Does this make you emotional or not? Let me knowwww.)

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