Chapter 24 - Boyfriend or Not?

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Jim's POV :

The party has already started but Eila's still not here. My eyes are only searching for her in this crowd. Almost every girl including Winnie, Sarah, Rochelle reached but Eila's still not here. Oh yeah, Emi's not here too. I am thinking that I should text Eila to know where she is. I bring out the phone from my pocket just when Sarah shouts, "There comes Eila and Emi", immediately I turn to see her.

Dressed in a maroon flowy gown she's looking like heaven. Such an amazing beauty. In no way I can take my eyes off her. This dress is perfectly complementing her heavenly figure. Her lips adorn the most beautiful smile which is driving me crazy like hell. But what I love the most are her eyes. She's not wearing her glasses today. Doesn't matter. I love them in both ways. Her eyes explain everything. They are like trails with thousand strings of emotion attached with them. Never before this I looked at any girl this way. But Eila's different. I don't know what's happening to me. Every time I look at her, I feel peace. She's like a serene atmosphere during the rains of monsoon. 
I don't know what is this feeling but I never wanna lose her. I want her by my side every now and then. I might be falling for this silly girl in each passing moment but I am willing to fall for her even deeper. She heals me like no other.

Drowned in my own world of thoughts I realize we both were just looking at each other all while, though from a distance. Who knows for how long! Colossally awkward silence in between our eyes with millions of unexplained emotion. What she might be thinking right now?

Eila's POV :

He looks heavenly beautiful tonight. He is wearing a perfectly ironed simple white shirt tucked into in pants. He folded his sleeves up to his elbows in an informally sexy manner. His messy hair is going more ethereally with his perfectly tones body which is exposed because of the body fitting shirt. I don't know why but I just can't take my eyes off him. Amazing is that we both are just staring each other don't know for how long but.... but I am falling for this boy and I'm willing to fall. Suddenly someone jerks me by my shoulder.

"Hey, where are you lost?" It's Sarah. I again face Jim and find him busy with Sam.

"No.. No. I was not lost", I reply though she caught me.

"I can clearly see that. But Eila", she pretends like her heart's broken. "YOU. LOOK. SO. BEAUTIFUL. I mean, How? Let alone the boys, the girls even can't take their eyes off you", she says in an wholly amusing way but I don't really think so since everyone is looking beautiful here or I must say way too sexy compared to me. Though I don't know half of the people present here since they are Katie's guest.

"Come on, Don't act. Everyone's looking beautiful. In fact way too beautiful", I state. Just then we hear a voice, "But you are looking different". I turn aside to see the source of voice and find a middle aged woman with Annie.

"Katie's right. You look like the moon in between all these stars", Annie offers a grin. So the other woman is none other than Katie.

Immediately I greet her, "Hi. You are Katie right?"

"Yes, I'm Katie", she smiles, "And you are Eila", but how comes she know me. "Annie told me a lot about you. It doesn't take time to guess who the moon is among the stars." they are overrating! "You look beautiful tonight", as she exclaims I can feel the same close bonded emotional connection with her just like I felt with Annie.

"Thank you", I chuckle.

"So you girls enjoy and let us know if you need anything", saying so they both go to attend others. "So let's see around", I say to Sarah and she agrees.

Katie decorated the place really beautifully and everyone is enjoying going high on heels. While Emi's having a romantic dance with Tacker at one corner of the hall, Rochelle, Winnie and Sam's busy with other friends. Sarah on the other hand is having a romantic moment with Keith. Man they should propose now! 
 I see Jim's standing by a corner seeing all dancing. I decide to go to him.

"Hi", I wave going near him.

"Hello", he smiles back. And here it goes. Now comes the usual awkward silence. I don't know what to say next and I guess he's also confused. While we both keep standing in confusion staring at each other right then a drunk guy stumble near me. "I'm so sorry", I move a bit back. This man is indeed giving weird vibes.

"Hey pretty lady. Wanna have a dance with me?" All on a sudden he grabs my hand and I'm totally confused of what's going on. In a split second Jim shake away his hand from mine and says on my behalf, "No, she won't", Really! He defended for me! I am actually moved my his gesture. He rightly knows what I need and when. Does that mean he cares for me? But why would he?

"Excuse me. Are you her boyfriend?" The guy asks.

Jim comes in front. "Yeah. I'm his boyfriend so she won't dance with you", Jim glares at him and I just keep staring him with my eyes wide open. His words gave me eargasm which are still buzzing in my ear.

"Cool man. I'm sorry. Then why are you both standing here, just go and dance", the guy states and we both just keep staring at each other. The next moment Jim holds my hand and takes me at the centre of hall amidst others who are dancing. We just keep standing for a moment without doing anything with our eyes locked over each others when all on a sudden Jim grabs my waist pulling me close to him. I don't give a second thought before wrapping my hands around his neck as we stand extremely close. The music is playing but we don't move, we just keep standing at the center facing each other when I finally realize he doesn't know how to dance and this is clearly visible in his eyes.

"I don't know how to dance", he whispers into my ear the next moment.

"I know, don't worry", I assure him,"Just look into my eyes and follow my lead grabbing me tight."

He does so. We are really close right now with just a cm of gap between us. Swaying with the beat of music amidst all we never realized when we got completely lost in each other's embrace. I wanna remain like this...FOREVER. This feeling is driving me crazy. I don't care if the people around us are glaring at us. I don't care what they are thinking about us. All I care the most is to be with him in every possible manner. The way he's tugging his hands around my back , every moment my heart's skipping a beat driving away all my fears of loving someone. His grip tightens each time my hands ruffle his messy hair in the most usual yet unusual manner. Soon the slow beat music ends and is replaced with an upbeat dance track but we don't care. We're still grooving in the same slow pace embracing each other amidst the bunch of people who might be giving us weird looks for dancing slowly on a upbeat music track. But I care none as long as I'm with him.

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