Chapter 59 - Times

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"I'm glad that Jim found you", she releases and I am certainly feel the vehemence in her words. "I'm lucky to find him", I indeed mean the words. 

"Heyy", past us we hear Sam and look behind to see him coming with Jim. I stand to give him a warm hug, indeed my best friend. "Hey Winnie", he waves her past me which she gladly gives back. "So you are already done meeting with Jennifer?" Sam gushes while I don't know why I feel like blushing. I see Jennifer chuckling beside us when Winnie says, "I should go now", she seems uncomfortable.

"Why? Stay for a bit and look Ben's here", Jennifer insists as Ben places the cappuccinos an pastries in front of is. "Yeah Winnie, stay for a while", I try to say. "Okay", she finally agrees and sits on her chair. Sam pulls a chair from the table beside us and sits beside Jim. Next moments are all having gossips about the tour and all. Finally it's time to go. "Mom, I'll drop Eila", Jim informs to which Jennifer nods and we both head out followed by Winnie and Sam before which I give another quick embrace to his Mom. 

"I'll go then. Bye", Winnie bids as she heads near her car. "Okay guys. Best of luck to you both. And Jim try hard to impress Katherine alright", Sam gives a soft punch to Jim's chest as he winks which makes me chuckle. "Shut up!" Jim frowns at him and I'm literally laughing. They both look really cute like this. "Wait wait", I say and quickly bring out my phone to turn on the camera and face it to them, "Say cheese", Sam immediately poses while Robo keeps standing like a Robo. After I'm done clicking their pic I turn the selfie camera and get into the frame in between them. Well Sam and I pose with the typical 'V' sign while Robo puts on a simple yet sweet smile on his face. The picture comes too cute I must say. 

"Okay, we need to go", Jim informs and we bid Sam a bye before getting on the bus. It's just takes around 20 minutes to reach near my home, "Eila", Jim stops me.

"Hmm", I face him. "I should buy something for your Auntie".

"That's not needed".

"No, I should. Flowers?"

"Okay", I smile, I know he's not gonna listen, "She loves purple orchids", soon we reach the flower shop near my home from where I bought flowers in the morning. After buying the orchids we finally get inside, "Auntie", I call.

"Coming", she responds from the kitchen and finally arrives. Her eyes are glued on Jim as she approaches near. So she's checking him top to bottom. "Hello ma"am", Jim passes her the bouquet, "For you".

"Oww. This was not needed. Thanks and yeah, call me Katherine", auntie offers a sweet grin. 

"Sure. Katherine", Jim awkwardly rubs the back of his head.

"But how did you know that I love purple orchids?".

"I said", I speak in the middle of their conversation.

"Oh yeah. Of Course", auntie chuckles. "Come sit", we both make ourselves comfortable on the sofa. For a bit there remains an awkward silence as auntie sits on the other sofa facing us. "So, how your meeting with his Mom?"

"It was great", I chuckle. "Glad to know that. And Jim, how's your Mom doing? I hope she's fine".

"Yeah she is doing great".

"So", auntie pauses, "What are your plans after graduation?" She's interrogating him!

"I'll join Mom in her Cafe business. I plan to expand this and open more branches in different cities", he is being formal right now.

"That's great to know", she's still checking on him. God! I am trying so hard to avoid laughing right now. Robo is indeed getting nervous. 

"Heyy", Emi comes down, "You are back and...", her eyes widen to see Jim. "Ohhoo", she acts, "You both are going to fast man", she grins, God! She shouldn't have said like this in front of auntie. This seems awkward. I see the nervous lines on his face, I know he's feeling weird right now. "Jim", auntie addresses, "I hope Eila doesn't bother you much", I immediately start laughing, while he chuckles. "No. She doesn't", I act a proud look on my face as he says. I'm glad auntie's trying to make him comfortable. I expected this. "It would have been great if John was here", she states but that's wouldn't make any difference I guess. John is the only person with least interest in my affairs. He's not wrong by the way. But.. Oh no! He's here. We see John entering inside dressed in his official formal look. Auntie stands to go near him, "You are back so early today?"

"Less pressure of work", he comes near and stares at us in confusion, well, he's staring at Jim to be precise.

"Great then. See who's here", auntie chuckles, "Meet Jim, Eila's boyfriend". Jim stands to shake a hand with him, "Hello sir".

"Hello", he takes back with a still confused look on his face. "You guys stay, I'll go and freshen up", John turns to head in his head before which he passes a warm smile at him.

"Well, you both must be hungry. Lunch is almost ready, I'll serve it", auntie states after which she heads near the kitchen. "Eila", Emi calls and I face her.

"Show Jim around. I mean show him your room, wait, our room", she gushes. "And don't forget to close the door", Emi teases with a wink which makes me blush but I try to avoid.

"Shut up", I narrow my eyes at her after which I take Jim upstairs to show my room. "So, this is my room, I mean mine and Emi's", I spread my arms as we enter inside. 
Nice room", he compliments.

"No thanks Robo".

"Why no thanks?" He questions.

"I don't like saying thanks to people close to me. It sounds formal", I act since I actually feel this.

"Weird logic", he gushes.

"I know", I join him.

"John is Emi's dad?"

"Yeah", I answer.

"Eila, I don't know why, I felt he was a bit indifferent?"

"Hmm. He is. In my matters", I say in a fiddly voice.

"Why?" Jim comes near me.

"It's not his fault. The thing is I am a third wheel in their family", I rub the back of my head. I guess this is the only thing I can say. In a split second he pulls me into his warm, protective embrace. "What happened?" I ask upon hugging him back.

"Nothing", I know what he's feeling right now. He's not glad to know this but there's nothing we can do about this. 



"Nothing", I chuckle and he releases to face me.


"Nothing, I just wanted to call you Robo, that's it".


"Hmm. Now let's get down. I guess lunch is served", we both get down and sit on the 6 chaired dining table beside the kitchen joined by others.

"So Jim", John addresses, "Who are there in your family?"

"Mom and I only", Jim answers while taking a bite of his pot roast. 

"Your Dad?" John doesn't know about his Dad. Shit! This's surely gonna spoil Jim's mood.

"He's no more", he tries to sound normal.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know about this". I'm glad John didn't go for any further questions as to the reason for his death. Jim doesn't like talking about his Dad's suicide. Well, one thing, I don't yet know the name of his Dad. Anyway, that's not necessary right now I guess. After lunch is over Jim states, "i should go now".

"Why? Stay for a while", auntie insists.

"I'm sorry. Some other day I guess. It's already late".

"Okay but do visit again", auntie grins.

"Sure. Bye you all."

"I'll see him out", I inform and accompany him till we reach near the road.



"Be ready tomorrow. I already fixed your appointment."

"Appointment for what?" What is he talking about!

"Meeting the doctor", shit!

"Ahhh", I make a face, "I don't want to".

"You have to. I'll pick you up at 3".


"Bye", he bids. I want him to kiss me, right now. But he doesn't do that and instead he turns to leave before which his perfect lips curve into the most beautiful smile.

"Bye", I see him go as the bus comes. I would go running to him only if I could.

(It's a triple update. Check out next 2 chaps. A typical boundary is indeed broken in the next ones.)

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