Chapter 23 - Dilemma

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Alarms ringing. But my sleepy head is not yet ready to wake up. I stretch my arms wide. Wait, it's Christmas today and as soon as I remember this, I literally jump from my bed and stabilize myself on the ground. I see Emi and Winnie are still sleeping. I don't wanna disturb Winnie since she didn't seem fine last night but I should wake up Emi.

"Emi. Emi, wake up. It's Christmas today. Wake up", I begin to shake her by her arms but she's still not responding. That's not fair, it's Christmas. I decide to go for our usual rule of waking up as my lips curve into an evil smile. I know it's way too much but I love to irritate her. Immediately I pour some water into the glass from the jug beside the bed and this time I give no warnings. The next moment I splash the water on her face after which she finally screams hastily sitting up, "Ahh", as she faces me, I just stare at her with a wide grin on my face. "Damn Eila! Why you poured water on me?" She questions rubbing her wet hair.

"It's Christmas but you were not waking up. So I did this. Merry Christmas", I defend but I guess now she's not gonna spare me coz her expression is kind of.... and here it goes. "Now I am not gonna spare you Miss.Eila. You are gonna pay for this", I thought she'll let it go this time. I guess I was wrong. I see her taking hold of the whole jug and No! I run out of the room as quickly as possible in my loose comfy t-shirt and shorts which I wore last night for sleeping. She comes following me as I run around the whole cottage this way and that with her still unable to throw water on me. It's enough now, I'm tired. I stop in front of the door of Jim and Sam's room and turn around to face Emi while she is standing 3 steps away from me. "Look Emi. Please stop. I'm tired."

"You should've thought about that before", the as usual evil smirk on her face.

"I'm sorry", I'm still finding it hard to catch my breathe after running for so long. 

"It's too late now", I see her raising the jug attempting to splash the whole water on me to which I move aside and sit down on my legs but... Oh no! She throws the water just when someone opens the door and it's Jim. She poured water on Jim! both Emi and I are completely shocked as hell as we grasp what happened just now while Jim is standing all wet being clueless. I just keep staring at him with my eyes wide open, still sitting aside on my legs.

"Shit! Jim .. I'm really really sorry. I don't know how, I was about to throw water on Eila but you came.. I"m so sorry", Emi hastily blurt out the words while I burst into laughter seeing Jim. He was looking so funny. Jim turns to me with zero expression and then he faces Emi Emi," It's okay, you don't have to say sorry".  Emi seems kind of relieved just when Tacker comes and asks what happened upon seeing us like this. I explain everything to him after I stand up, though I'm finding it hard to control my laughter. While I step to come near Jim, my leg slips due to the water on the floor which makes me almost fall on by back before which Jim grabs me by my waist and the next moment our eyes are again locked. Don't know why I wish to remain like this every time he catches me. I don't care for the surrounding. I like it when he's around, yet I don't wanna get attracted to him though things are happening otherwise. I want to stop the growing feeling in my mind. I am afraid what consequence will this bring. Still I want him  near me, always. Sometimes I wonder If I am the sun who wishes to remain hidden behind the clouds or the one craving to shine in the clear sky. His eyes holds me like no other. 

As we were lost in each others' eyes, we hear someone clearing his throat behind us and we realize we are in such a awkward position in front of Tacker and Emi. In a split second we hastily release and I stand properly stabilizing myself. After turning around I see, not only Tacker and Emi, rather Sam and Winnie are also present who are staring at us with their eyes open wide.

"Damn guys we disturbed them", Sam gushes while Tacker joins him, "Jimila chemistry was going on here", and here it goes , they start teasing us again. My eyes shift to Winnie who is standing at a corner and staring at us with a void look in her face. What's wrong with her? "Guys I forgot to wish you , Merry Christmas", Tacker wishes to which we all gladly reply, "Merry Christmas". Tacker further adds, "So I think we should leave them alone for a while", as soon as he said this all nods and turn around to go in different directions while I give a almost not so good look at them. And yeah, it's not Jim and I left in this hall.

I turned around when he says, "I told you to not move like this carelessly but I guess you don't wanna listen to me". Wait! There's a chummy tone in his voice. But that's not true. I do listen to him. I was just... yeah I was being careless and I awkwardly rub the back of my hand until I realize I'm like this in front of him! My hair is messy and my dress, well that's out of the world. I press my toes tight on the ground.

"Sorry", I say with almost pitiful eyes. 

"By the way, why were you laughing so much", he questions and yet again I burst into laughter.

"You are looking so funny", I giggle still avoiding to.

"It's all because of you", he furrows his eyebrows at me though I can feel his smile behind it.

"What my fault? You came behind me and ... rest you know", I defend acting with my hand.

"Okay, It's my fault", he grins raising his hands up in the air. 

"I should go now", I say him since I need to take bath and change.

"Me too, I need to change since I'm all wet now", as we were about to go Annie comes," Merry Christmas", she greets.

"Merry Christmas", Jim and I say together and Annie keeps looking at us for a moment before she says, "I guess you both bond quite well", is she also start teasing us! No, why will she. I rub the back of my neck not knowing what to say and so does Jim. "Anyway, food's almost ready, get freshen up quickly", she heads toward the kitchen while Jim and I took out separate path to out room. As I take a step forward, I turn around, "Jim". He faces me. "Merry Christmas".

"Merry Christmas", he passes the same grin which I'm having on my face.

. . .

It's almost evening now and we are suppose to join Katie's party in an hour. So we all begin to dress up for the party. I see Emi's already ready. She chose a red color mini frock which lengths up to her knees. She keeps her hair open and I must say she's looking cute. Her make-up is also complementing her overall look as she donned for a red lipstick matching with her dress, she also opted for some glittering matching shadows. Winnie on the other hand opted for a red and white shimmery body fitting evening gown which complements her figure pretty well. With that she opted for a bun and red shadows and lipstick. So I guess I am the only one who's not ready yet. I should hurry now. 

Soon I wear the gown Annie has given me and with this I decide to go for dewy makeup with matching lipstick and smoky shadows. Instead of my glasses, today, I am opting lenses. But now I am confused which hairstyle should I adopt. As I am wondering, Emi helps me in making my hair. She turns in into an upward bun with some loose strings of hair rolling by the side of both my ears. Kind of messy yet elegant. I am not wearing any jewellery on my neck but I have chosen a pair of diamond earing with just a single white stone. I already brought this with me. These are Moms'.

I finally stand in front of the mirror to have a proper look. "Whoaaa! God, You are looking sooooo beautiful", Emi chuckles lengthening the 'So'. "I'm sure, today every guy present at the party will have a crush on you. Like seriously, you are looking heavenly beautiful". I think it's just fine.

"Okay okay. Now stop. Enough of your flatter okay?", I avoid.

"Come on. I am serious", she defends.

"I think we should get going", I finally say since others already left and perhaps they reached there by now. Emi was waiting for me since I started late. I am continuously receiving texts from Sarah and Rochelle to hurry up.

"Yeah, let's go", Emi picks her purse and I keep my phone in her purse since I'm not carrying any.

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