Chapter 81 - Marriage

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The judge clears his throat coming near to seek permission after which Jim nods.
The judge starts upon looking at the book he is holding, "We are gathered here today to not only witness, but to celebrate the marriage between Jim D'Cruz and Eila D'Souza". I just look at him. In no way I can take my eyes away. He looks heaven. My small heaven.
"A wedding is such a wonderful occasion filled with hopes, dreams and excitement. May ypur love create a safe heaven for you both on the journey that lies ahead of you. Lead with your hearts and take the time tl do the simple things that will nurture your love. Deeply listen to each other- to your dreams, and to your frustrations. Be helpmates. Be playful in finding new ways to give your love anew to wach other every day."

I squeeze his hand tightly as we are holding hands. This feeling is beyond control. With each sentence uttered by the judge I feel myself getting tied with the person in front of me. And I happily wanna remain bound with him like this.

"Let your love be an inspiration to others to reach for what is good within us all. May your love be so abundant that you have plenty to share with the rest of us as well."

I smile facing him and he does the same. Not for a single second we took out eyes off each other.

"It is your love that has brought us together here today. May ut grow deeper and sweeter with each passing year." I am getting emotional now.
"The rings?" The judge asks. I remember to take off the ring he made me wear. I pass the ring to Jim so that he can finally make me wear this with full right and in front of all making it a promise of your togetherness. While Emi brings another ring which I selected for him. I take the ring from her hand and face Jim.

The judge turns to Jim, "Do you, Jim, take Eila to be your partner for life? Do you promise to walk by her side forever, and to love, help, and encourage her in all she does? Do your promise to take time to talk with her, to listen her and ro care for her? Will you share her laughter and her tears as a partner, lover and best friend? Do you take her as your lawfully wedded wife for now and forevermore?"

Jim does not take his eyes away from me. The smile is still prevalent on his face. The next moment he utters, "Yes". I feel my heart just dropped a beat. The most peaceful one. I press my tongue against the roof of my mouth to stop the unwanted tears.

The judge turns at me, "Do you, Eila, take this man, Jim, to be your partner in life? Do you vow to always love and support him through tye good times and the bad? Do you promise the same he has now promised you? Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband for now and forevermore?"

I don't waste any second and nod immediately with a smile, "Yes". This time I don't stop the tears.

"And now, seal your promises with these rings, the symbol of your life shared together", the judge says.
"Eila, please repeat after me...", the judge says and I do the same with my eyes never leaving his.

"Jim, this ring I give as a token and pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring I thee wed", I repeat after the judge and finally make him wear the wedding ring.

"Jim, please repeat after me...".

"Eila, this ring I give as a token and pledge, as a sign of my love and devotion. With this ring I thee wed", Jim states after the judge. Once again he makes me wear that beautiful ring and this time the feeling is beyond any explanation. Now it feels more pure, more heavenly with full right.

The judge finally says, "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. D'Cruz. You may now kiss the bride".
We stare at each other for a moment after which he immediately wraps on of his hand around my waist and holds my face with the other. He plants a soft, tender kiss on my lips making me blush. We hear the clapping and cheering of people after we release.

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