Chapter 13 - Excitement

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The situation became more awkward between us due to the incident happened a while ago. I can't just face him right now. No doubt my face is like a swollen red tomato at this moment. I am wondering what Jim might be thinking about me since my sticker was the reason for all these drama. I want to talk to him and clarify the matter but right now I have no courage to do so. I should better text him once I reach home. That'll be a good idea.  Amid all these running thoughts, lecture is over ad Mrs.Kate announces, " Students, I have something to share with you. Please pay attention. The college authority decided for you guys ; final year, students a 10 day tour to the Appalachian mountain." Is she serious! North America! 

Hearing this all the students including me got super excited. I can't believe we'll actually go there. "There we'll do camping, bone-fire many more. Your teachers will accompany you and the tour will be in different places. I am giving you all a brochure which carries full details with the places , timings and all regarding the tour . We'll set out for the tour after two days that is on Wednesday. So let me know who all are coming and take enough clothes and necessary materials which you all need. The food supplies will be given by the authority. You all just pack your necessary materials. I know you guys are super excited for the trip. I am excited too and I hope you all are coming." Mrs.Kate further adds with a smile and we students, well, our happiness is beyond any limit. "Ma'am are you serious? The north appalachians?" Sam asks in surprise.

"Yes. I am serious", she chuckles. Many started planning right away what they'll do. After teacher leaves Sam goes in front of the class and says," Guys all are coming right? Please this is our last year together so we should make this tour a memorable one", and we can't agree more. This is indeed the biggest surprise for all of us in our whole college life. I turn at Jim to see his expression, actually I wanna ask him if he's coming but I don't know why I'm just not able to come up with any words. It's his expression which is bothering me. I notice his face gradually turning dull as he reads the brochure. I can't figure out why and so I take a look at my brochure which Sam gave a while ago as teacher told him to distribute among all and I see the tour involves places of Boston. I remember Jim came from Boston , his family resided there but he doesn't want to mention them , perhaps for this reason his mood became like this. I thought he'll be happy but things took upturn. I will talk to him once I reach home.

.  .  .

It's evening and I'm sitting on the couch beside the window of my room. I should better text him now, I decide and eventually log into my account and I see he's online. *Hi*

*Hello*  He replies after a minute.

*Are you coming?*

*Not sure*  He replies. As soon as the message pops up, my face turns bland. I want him to come. Don't know why but I don't even feel like going now. I want him to be there with me.

*Please come*  I request. Maybe I went too fast. I guess I shouldn't say like this. Will he think otherwise?

*Why?*  Now what should I say?

I don't know what to say but..
*It'll be fun. All are coming. Moreover, it's an amazing opportunity. We'll have so much fun*

*Ooh*  He replies but I think he is not convinced yet so I begin to say more.

*Please come. This'll be so much fun. You see, a new experience. We'll have night out there, camping, bone fire, hiking and so many things. You'll really enjoy*

*Okay*  What! Did he just say okay! I can't believe he got convinced so easily. I just jump up from the couch as soon as his text pops up. I'm happy that he agreed. 

*Great! We'll really have fun*  I don't put forward the matter of Boston since I don't wanna spoil the mood now. It's enough that he agreed.

*Are you coming too?*  Wait, he's right. I didn't talk to auntie yet. I guess she'll agree.

*Yeah maybe*


*I need to talk to auntie for this. I'm sure she'll agree*

*Auntie? I mean, your Mom or Dad?*   His next text reads and my eyes gets glued on the screen. I don't have any.

*I don't have both. And my auntie's Emi's Mom. More like a mother to me*   I don't go for any further detail as I don't wanna spoil our happy mood speaking the bitter memories of my past.

*I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it*   He shouldn't feel sorry. It's not his fault.

*You don't have to say sorry. It's okay. Btw, I have a question*


*Can we be friends?*  I ask since I'm confused if we are friends or just classmates.

*Weren't we friends before?*   His next text reads and I can't help the reddening of my cheeks.

*Did you consider me as your friend?*   I use our trademark emojis this time.

*Yeah. If not then why am I chatting with you?*  He uses the emojis and the butterflies are back again. All on a sudden I remember to elucidate the matter regarding the sticker..



*The sticker which you saw today where it was written Jim+Jolly, trust me I really did not notice that it was written Jim there. This was totally unintentional*

*Ooh. It's okay*  He replies and I'm glad he didn't take it otherwise.

*Okay bye*  I'll have to talk to auntie now.

*Bye and best of luck*  Not to mention our trademark emojis.

*Thanks*  I use the same and we both go offline.

I go downstairs where Emi's again busy watching her favorite cooking show. Sitting beside her on the sofa, I remind her about talking to auntie about the tour.

"Damn! I just forgot about that", her eyes turn wide as she remembers.

"We need to convince her. I think she'll agree. Don't you?"

"I feel so but we should talk right away."

"Where's she now?" I ask as I look around and I don't see her here.

"In her room maybe. Let's go."

"Best of luck to us", I exclaim as we both stand up from the sofa hoping she'll agree since we need to confirm tomorrow itself if we are coming or not. More than that, I'm worried, if I'll be able to be there with Jim. I know, it's a bit weird for me to think like this but I can't help it anymore. I like spending time to him and I don't wanna deny it.

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