Final Author's Note

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So this is it. My first complete novel.

In no way I can express this feeling. This one is the best. I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm proud, right now I'm everything you can imagine.

I have so many things to say. Since my childhood I used to think of many fictional stories and dreamt to having them as a TV series or Movie. I don't know if that dream will be fulfilled or not with this novel but I am proud that I have written this.

When I began writing this novel, to be very honest, I never thought I would come this far. At first I planed it to be a short story with at best 20 chapters. But see, it's now a whole complete novel with almost 89 chapters including an epilogue and with over 116,000 words.

While writing this I laughed, I cried, I got emotional and sometimes irritated too. But now, I am just proud of me for completing this novel.

This one is really really close to my heart. First because it's my first novel and secondly many cases in this story are taken from life. Many of you already know who is this actual Jim the Robo.

So today, I have a lot of people to thank. First of all I wanna thank all my lovely readers for not giving up on this even though at times I took really long to update but you guys stayed with me Till This End when I'm writing my final Author's Note. Thanks for your love and support. Thank you so so much. You have no idea how much grateful I am to you guys.

I must say my parents and my younger brother supported me a lot in this even though at times they felt this was hampering my studies yet I didn't give up since I wanted to complete this novel at any cost.

I wanna thanks all my friends who never failed to encourage me. Thanks to each and everyone of you out there.
A big big thanks to my best friend, Rowshan, who always supported and encouraged me all through the way.

Now lastly I am gonna take his name but he deserves the biggest thank you.
Yes, he's my boyfriend, the actual Robo of my life. Without him Jim wouldn't have existed. He supported me at times and you can see this beautiful cover of my book right? Robo made this for me.

So this was it.

If you are reading this, it means you have read the whole novel and now you are here reading the final Author's Note.
So did you like it?
At least I'm sure that I didn't disappoint you.

'Till The End' will make you laugh, will make you cry and finally at the end of he day you'll go back with a happy face.

And guys this is just the beginning of our bond together since I'll never stop writing and I'll try my best to come up with another novel really soon and entertain u all. You already know that name. That's 'Summer Records'. I hope u all gonna stick with me till the end.

Sanzana Tahsin Mithila

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